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None pov:

"Why did you call us for boss?" Nato asked,
"Well, before we proceed, I need Asean to the other room for a minute," as Asean stand up from his seat as he walk by with Un, as they shut behind the door

EU raised his brow and was glaring at the door, questioning on what kind of topic they're talking about and was taking- "UGH WHAT ARE THEY TAKING FORVEVER?"
"Settle down, EU..." AU said, calming EU down

EU turned his head as
France and UK are just basically talking about their economic since they're still countries, though

'Ugh, what are they even talking about...' EU said to his thoughts and went next to Nato as he just glared at him as he sat down

Meanwhile, with Un and Asean

"What do you want me for?" Asean asks, crossing his arm
"Well, it's about the new student. Well, your member..."
"Then what about him?" Asean question
Un then showed him some paper which are some documents about the student

Asean glared at the paper as he grabbed it
"Huh," then stares at Un. "We should talk about this later. We don't want the others waiting. "
Un nodded as they returned to the others

"Apologies for the waiting. Shall we start now?" Un started as they all went to their seat


??? Pov

Walking to halls, heading to my next class,
As someone bumps into me, ugh
I look at the person who bumps at me who apologises immediately, which he is awful familiar with. I stared for a second and went back to my track

It can't be him, right?
Thinking deeply on my thoughts as I arrived at my next class

Hour later, it's lunch break, I sat down
to the table and just stare at my food processing
"Why are you not eating your food, China?"
I joint, as I turned around to see mongolia
"Oh Mongolia... well, it's nothing just deep on my thoughts. "

"Oh well, come on, P.E. is gonna be next"
And start eating my food...

New author note

I make this chapter a bit short
But oh well

Correct anything if there's something wrong

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