Chapter 5

35 11 19

Friday, June 7th, 12.10 pm
Police department

"I'm sorry you have to find out this way but I'm afraid your girlfriend was found dead yesterday morning."

"What? No. That's impossible." The poor girl's boyfriend stood up and turned to face the interrogator. "It's impossible, this has to be a joke. A very sick one."

"It's no joke. I'm sorry, sir."

After pondering for a second the guy sat back down and signed. "I was about to propose, you know." He took a small box out of his pocket and looked at it sadly. "I guess the 'till death tears us apart' part came a bit sooner than I had anticipated. She didn't deserve- ugh, I don't know why I'm telling you this."

The interrogator awkwardly shifted her weight from one leg to another, not knowing if she should reply. Jungkook however, who was watching behind the one-way glass found himself tearing up.

"I'm sorry for your loss, sir." The interrogator awkwardly said. She wasn't getting paid enough for this. Comforting guys with dead girlfriends was never in the job description. "If you don't mind I have a few questions."

"Go ahead. I'll help as much as I can if it is to find that bastard."

The interrogator cleared her throat. "Just a reminder that whatever happens here will be recorded." She said and then pressed the record button on the tape. "Just to clarify. You are Kim Seungmin, 22 years old, a photographer."

"Yes, that's me."

"Good. We kind of already know but what was your relationship with the victim?"

"She was my girlfriend of two years. I loved her, she loved me, there's really not much to say here."

"When did you last see her alive?"

"Wednesday morning. I don't remember what time exactly. We had a date for that same evening but we never got to meet up since a job came up."

"Did you notice anything unusual in her behavior?"

"No, I can't say I did."

"Where were you at 11.50 the night she died?"

"You're not implying that I killed, I hope."

"I'm not implying anything, sir. It was simply a question."

"I was working. As I told you, a job came up and I had to cancel our date for that night."

"If you don't mind me asking, sir, what kind of job?"

"A wedding photo shot. You know how newlyweds are like. They want so many pictures of their special day, and it always has to be a perfect shot. As if they're not going to take any more pictures in their lives. But anyway, by the time I was done, it was already about twelve or something."

"Can somebody confirm that you were I fact working at the time of the murder?"

"About 400 wedding guests."

"Do you happen to know what the victim could have been doing in that forest where she was found dead?"

"Beats me. Hana never striked as one to go hiking. Especially not in the woods."

"Can you think of anyone who could've had the motive to kill her?"

"Not really. She had no enemies. At least not that I know of. I mean how could she? She was an amazing, kind person. She..." They guy trailed off. He looked lost.

"That'll be all. Thank you for your time, sir."

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