Chapter 8

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Saturday, June 8th 5.00 pm
Police department

"What was your relationship with the victim?"

"There wasn't much of a relationship going on. I was just her gardener. Nothing more, nothing less. Strictly professional."

"When did you last she her alive?"

"I work at her place every Monday."

"So last Monday?"

"Now that I think about it, no. Last Monday, I went to her house but she was out at that time. She left me a note with things I should do but I technically didn't see her so I would say Monday a week before."

"Where were you at 11.50 this Wednesday?"

"At home with my wife and twin daughters. They can confirm that."

"Do you happen to know what the victim could have been doing in that forest where she was found dead?"

"As I said, I didn't know the victim personally, so no."

"Can you think of anyone who could've had a motive to kill her?"

"I've seen her best friend a couple of times and she seems a bit, how do you say this, short-termpared and shady. I know this is not enough of a motive but that's all I know."

"Alright. Thank you for your time, sir."


Monday, June 10th 5.45 pm
Police department

"Ma'am, your name is Lee Hyejin and you're 67, unployed, right?"

"You never ask an old woman her age, young lady."

"Ma'am, I'm afraid that savoir vivre doesn't apply when there's a murder at hand."

The Old lady signed muttering something young people nowadays. "Yes, that's me."

"What was your relationship with the victim?"

"I was friends with her mother before she, you know, passed away. Poor Ara. She was just 59. Too young to die."

"So you're allowed to say other people's age but when someone asks yours suddenly it's savoir vivre." Jungkook commented behind the one way glass, receiving a glare from detective Kim.

"If you allow me," Detective Kim pressed the button of the mic so his voice could be heard inside the interrogation room. "how did her mother die?"

"Cancer." Lee Hyejin said although she seemed taken aback by the sudden voice that didn't belong to the interrogator. "Although she had paid for treatment by the best doctors, even that couldn't save her."

"When did you last she her alive?" The interrogator continued.

"Who, her mother?"

"No, Lim Hana."

"She paid me a visit this Saturday."

"Did you notice anything unusual in her behavior that day?"

The Old woman frowned. "In her behavior no. What was unusual however is that she mentioned her cousin's name more than once. And she didn't even seem angry at him. Since hasn't done that since before her mother died."

"Where were you at 11.50 this Wednesday?"

"At home, sleeping. I'd always been an early bird."

"Can someone confirm that?"

"Not exactly. My nephew came over at about 10.30 to leave Soonie, Doongi and Dori for me to babysit for a few days."

"You mean to say that right now, there three babies at your house? Unattended?"

Lee hyejin laughed. "Oh, god no! Soonie, Doongi and Dori are not children. They are his cats. He couldn't take them along in his business trip no matter how much he wanted to. Other than that I don't have an ale- alai- how do you say it."

"An alibi, ma'am?"

"Yes, that. Although I doubt I need. As you see, I can hardly walk, much less strangle someone from behind."

"Do you happen to know what the victim could have been doing in that forest where she was found dead?"

"Oh, she was found dead in a forest. I didn't know. Beats me."

"Can you think of anyone who could've had a motive to kill her?"

"If you ask me, her boyfriend does seem a bit shady but who am to judge."

"Thank you for your time, ma'am."

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