Chapter 15

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Thursday, June 21th 5.30 pm
Kim Seungmin's Apartment

Fortunately for Jungkook, Kim Seungmin answered the door on the first knock and he didn't have to make a fool of himself yelling 'ding dong~' again.

"Hello. Kim Seungmin, right?"

The guy nodded. The last time Jungkook had saw Lim Hana's boyfriend and heard him talk he hadn't found out about his girlfriend yet. Now he already knew however he looked -and was- devastated. He had black bads under his eyes and he looked like he had cried a few times already. He looked even more lost that he had in that questioning room.

Jungkook wasn't the most experienced police officer but he knew enough to tell that this was not the face of a killer. However, Hobin's words rang in his head.

'Things are not always as they seem.'

Everyone had so far asked had told him, directectly or indirectly, that Seungmin was good at lying and hiding stuff like that. What if this was all act? Jungkook didn't want to jump into conclusions and mess his very first case up.

"I'm officer Jeon Jungkook, from the police department. I'm here to ask about your Lin Hana."

"I was informed that the case was closed." Kim Seungmin said and began closing the door. "Have a nice day, officer."

Jungkook however was fast enough to put his foot on the door not letting it close completely. "It wasn't. The man in jail right now is innocent and he's my friend. Please, I know you're not in the mood to talk about it but I need your help."

The guy signed. "Fine, come in."

Although Felix (and Hobin since she almost never slept in her own apartment) lived in a relatively small apartment, Seungmin's was half its size and not nearly as cozy. Apparently, photography didn't bring him a lot of money.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Seungmin offered. "I have water-"

"Do you happen to have lemon cupcakes?" Jungkook suggested.

The guy frowned. "That's awfully specific. No, I don't. Sorry, I guess."

Jungkook grinned. "Oh, I'm not disappointed, quite the opposite."

Seungmin was the definition of that awkward moment when you haven't understood shit but you nod nevertheless. "So, you don't want a cupc-"

"Forget about the cupcake." Jungkook said. "The important thing is I have a general idea of what happened."

"All that from a cupcake?" Seungmin raised his eyebrow.

Jungkook grinned proudly and nodded.
"I just need you to confirm that you were telling the truth about your alibi."

"I was."

"Were you taking pictures until late. Because, as far as I know, you can't get perfect shots in the dark."

"I was at the wedding yes, but I wasn't taking pictures the entire time. I tend to stay at weddings after I'm done taking pictures. Free food is free food after all. Is that enough of an explanation?"

"It's more than enough." Jungkook grinned. "Now if you excuse me, I have one last visit to make."

And he was about to exit the apartment when Seungmin grabbed his arm. "Let me come with. I want to help finding the killer. I've had enough of being pathetic in my apartment."

Jungkook normally wouldn't agree but he felt like he could trust Seungmin. "Come on. My car is in the back." He said and walked down the stairs with the victim's girlfriend on his trail.

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