In the beginning, there was nothing, only the great goddess Arkla, from whom light itself came to push back the darkness. In her great compassion, she set out to make the world, for she wanted to have a paradise. She made the mountains and streams, the skies and seas, the forests and the deserts. All things she turned her attention to, crafting them with perfect precision, till everything was right and good. Then she set about adding life to it, from the beasts meant to serve, to the birds and fish for food, she continued to set things for the prized race she had in her head.

To make sure that everything was right, she tried her hand at making life that would appreciate all she'd done and made the elves, with their love of nature, out of the winds. And she found them to be flawed, for they were quick to be pleased with the world that they thought had been made only for them, so the great goddess tried again, and this time she used the earth itself to mold them, but these dwarves were flawed as well, for even though they were stout and hardy, they were also lacking, for they could not appreciate what was in front of them.

So, the great goddess tried again, this time using a drop of her own blood as the source and created man, which she favored above all others, for they neither failed to appreciate what was around them, nor did they take it for granted.

So, the paradise that the great goddess Arkla had sought, was finally found.

But all was not well, for out of the darkness another god had been formed, a dark being with a withered and jealous heart, for everything he saw that had been created, he wanted for himself. So, the twisted shadow, which had taken the name Alith snuck up to the world, but as he got close, the wonders that had been created started to age and whither. For the first time, things started to die, which saddened the great goddess, for this could not be her paradise if it was imperfect, so she sought the source of her trouble, but despite all her wisdom, she could not see the shadow at her feet.

But Alith was not finished, for his jealousy could only grow at the sight of the beautiful goddess and all she'd done, so he reached out and dropped his own blood onto the world and all manner of unpleasantness was born, from the monsters of the deep, to the poisonous stingers of the insect, everything that came into contact with the blood became tainted, for the blood was that of the god of shadows and death, and each thing that lived that came in contact with it, would now die.

Even the great races fell to the corruption. The dwarves, once proud and tall, became a twisted shell of their former selves. But the worst thing was that they still knew what they had once been and they were so ashamed, so horrified of what they had become, that they fled the light of the great goddess and hid themselves underground.

The elves fared only slightly better, for they were further away when the blood fell, but they too became twisted, but unlike the physical deformity of the dwarves, the twisting of the elves was in their heads, taking their arrogance and driving them mad. They became convinced of their superiority as the first race, so they turned on the other races, determined to drive them out, blaming them for their sudden mortality.

The men fared the best, for they still had the great goddess's blessing on them and were spared from the taint, which drove Alith mad, so he concocted ways to tempt them down the path of destruction, twisting their hopes and dreams against them in the hopes that they would join him of their own free will.

But his worst trick, the most spiteful thing that Alith did, was his parody of the great goddess's work, for what he wanted more than anything was to be worshiped, to have his own creations that would turn the great goddess's work to him. Out of the drop of blood, as the taint washed away and over the land, there was one thing left, a creature that looked like a crude version of life, not broken in the same way as the dwarves or elves, but twisted just the same, for this was the first demon, a race filled with hatred of their own existence, for in their black hearts, they know that they will never feel the love of the great goddess, so they seek to destroy all she made.

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