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The day after her big battle, Nagi found herself in an odd position, she had nothing to do.

It wasn't the first time she'd been bored, but it was the first time in years that she really didn't have anything to do.

Classes were done, their battle had been the final test, so to speak, and they'd already finished their post battle discussion, not that it had been long, since Stegh didn't have much to say about how they'd won, so they'd been let out fairly early the day before, which had been the start of her problems.

Things at home had been deteriorating for a while and had gotten to the point where her parents were all but openly admitting they couldn't wait till she left, which would be only a few more days, so she really didn't want to go home and just sit there, or worse, have to deal with her parents, so she'd wandered around the town.

Now she found herself looking forward to an entire day of the same and it depressed her. She knew she should be happy, tomorrow was the day she finally got to find out her future, but the prospect of having to live without asking questions or being true to herself was horrible. She wasn't ready to run away just yet, but she was getting close. Still, she supposed she should find out what exactly they were expecting her to do before she made her choice.

Most of the other kids in her class were torn, they loved their families and didn't want to leave them, but at the same time, they couldn't wait to find out what they were going to do. A fair number of them were staying at home with their families or going out on the town with them for one last day together. Sure, they'd be able to see each other fairly frequently, depending on their jobs, but it wouldn't be the same, so they were spending as much time together as possible.

There were a number of other kids, mostly those whose parents had to work that day, that had nothing to do, so they were wandering around the town as well. Nagi met a few of them and exchanged pleasantries, but found it all to be rather tedious. They could all be split into three categories, either they were angry at her, which were generally those that had been on the other team and had already completed their sets. They were angry at her and had been on her team and were mad that she hadn't kicked the other teams butt previously, making them do sets that they didn't feel they should've had to do, forgetting the fact that they themselves hadn't contributed much earlier. Or they were respectful of her, out of awe that she'd not only managed to win without losing anyone from their side, but also beat Moss in single combat, twice.

The last group was possibly the most annoying, since they all treated her extremely differently than before, almost like she was royalty or something, which was irritating. She just wanted to be left alone. Actually, no, she didn't, she really wanted to have someone to talk to, someone that she could just be herself around, but she didn't really have anyone like that. The closest she had was Wreth, and even around him she had to guard herself. But it was still better than nothing, so she found herself sitting with him behind his parents' shop with a couple of other kids from their team, talking about what they thought tomorrow would bring.

As she'd feared, most of the kids seemed to think that she had some inside scoop on what to expect.

"I really don't know," she told them for what had to be the fifth time. "If I did, I would've told you already."

"But you know everything."

"When have I ever claimed that? I know next to nothing and as for this, I've been asking for years and nearly got in a heap of trouble for it, so I had to stop. No one would talk about it."

"That's true," Wreth nodded. "I remember a long time ago, she would ask all kinds of questions about it and my dad chucked her out of the shop by the scruff of her neck."

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