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Nagi let out a sigh and looked at the only two that had accompanied her. They were both being as quiet as possible as they crouched next to her.

She wished there'd been tall grass that they could've hidden in, but the new grass hadn't grown enough yet and the old was either all matted down from the snow or else would've rustled something terrible, giving their position away.

Turning back, she gazed over the small ridge and looked back at the opposing team. It hadn't taken long to find them, they weren't exactly being stealthy as they moved forward.

She felt the other two glance at her, wondering what she was going to do now, but she didn't say anything, not just because she didn't want to give away their position, but because she was trying to figure that out herself. She knew what she wanted as an end result, but at that moment, she couldn't see exactly how to get there.

Sure, they'd found the other team, but by the time they had, they were too close, she didn't know if they could get away from them if they were spotted and they were too close to start a fight, so she was quickly trying to come up with something, but every moment that passed, the situation got worse.

She didn't think they'd be spotted where they were, the other team would pass a little ways away from them, but then they'd find themselves on the wrong side of them. That might work if this was a mission where they were supposed to get past them, but this was total elimination, so they needed to attack.

She made up her mind and started to shift, when the sharp crack of a breaking twig echoed out causing all of the opposing teams heads to snap around at them, which she thought looked a little silly and showed some poor judgment, since if she could've planned it, she could've had an ambush set up on the opposite side, but she didn't.

Almost instinctively, the three of them knew they'd been spotted and jumped to their feet. Nagi swore and drew her mace, face tightening in frustration as she prepared to go down swinging. After all her plans, she wasn't going to let it end here, but Wreth started to quake next to her, inching backwards before spinning and bolting.

Before she could say anything, Lenge spat out "Screw this." and spun, rushing after Wreth.

Nagi found herself alone as she turned back to face Moss and the rest of the opposing team, who couldn't help but to laugh at her and the situation she found herself in.

She felt the mace in front of her shake a little as she scanned the crowd laughing at her, she raised it slightly and said "Shit" before spinning and running after her fleeing comrades.

She knew that she didn't have long before the others would be after her, but there were a few precious seconds as they stood stunned at her cowardice before Moss roared "Get her!" and they were chasing her.

The small rise she'd been hiding behind prevented any of them from throwing anything or firing at her and by the time they'd got to the top, she was far enough away and they were moving fast enough that they couldn't hit her, so they gave chase, whooping and hollering as they went.

Even as the wind rushed past her ears, she could feel her shirt sticking to her back as sweat started to run down it. It wasn't that hot out, but running flat out was going to start to get to her eventually, but the one thing she had confidence in was that they wouldn't catch up, all the extra sets she'd done had giving her explosive speed and stamina, so she could keep away from them, though she didn't know if she could lose them.

She ran across the field, heart pounding in her chest, covering distance quickly, occasionally glancing over her shoulder to see where they were and always found the mob of them right there.

Re:Demon - Reborn as a Demon Book 1Where stories live. Discover now