
28 1 4

1 week ago

I stepped out of the vehicle and looked happily up at the castle. It was larger than I remember, but that could've been because for the past month I've stayed in a much smaller building. 

I carried my luggage up to the stairs and dropped them off at my door. But instead of going in, I peeked into the room across from mine. 

Percy was sitting at his desk, a frown set on his face. Probably working on some paper. I smiled and walked back into my room. 

While I was organizing, I heard a knock on the frame of my door. 

"Knock knock, I'm coming in." I looked up and saw a guy that had raven black hair, sea green eyes and a lopsided smile. 

"Hey Perce."

He came in and flopped on my bed, "You couldn't take the time to say hello to your best friend that you haven't seen in a whole entire month?"

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "For the fact, hello. I just got here a couple hours ago, and I did look into your room, you looked busy."


"Hey, you live in the room across from mine, and you could've closed the door to prevent-"

"Okay, okay. I get it. How was your trip?"

I looked up at him and crossed my arms. "As much as I love my entire family," I started sarcastically, but then changed to my normal tone. "I like it here much better."

Percy's grin spread to his entire face, but he then tilted his head like a puppy would when they were trying to understand something. "How was Helen?"

I sighed and looked away, putting a couple of things on my desk. "Same as usual, I guess. I learned a couple of things."

"You got hurt again, didn't you."

"It's nothing Percy." I said, hoping that it would settle him. 

It didn't. 

"Come on, Annabeth! Let me see." He begged. 

"No Percy, I'm fine."

"More bruises or cuts?"

"Bruises. Am I a horrible person for wanting cuts more than bruises?"

Percy thought for a moment before saying slowly, "No, not really. Bruises last longer than cuts in a way. I'm sorry that you have such an abusive stepmother. Why do you have to go there anyways?"

"There is nothing you could do about it," I reassured him, "And Percy, their my family. As much as I don't want to see Helen, I want to see my brothers and dad."

Percy walked over and rolled up my sleeve. "Anna, lemme help. Please? No Will, I promise."

"No Will?"

Percy nodded, and lead me over to the bathroom. 

While Percy did medical stuff that we learned at Camp, I thought for a moment. I was five when my mother died, and my dad remarried when I was seven. I am positive that Helen only married my dad for his money. 

My real mom, Athena, was a rich and famous person. She worked at the castle as their chief architect. She and my dad fell in love in one of their programs and married and had me and such. Athena had a three year old, my stepbrother Malcolm, before me. Malcom grew up and works in the castle, he's twenty three. I haven't talked to him lately, so I don't know what he does. After Athena died, my father was sad, but that comes with it. The three of us had a fortune that was my mom's, but really didn't do anything with it. That summer Malcolm got a scolarship to go to a boarding school for smart children, he was only eleven. He took it, leaving me and my dad. 

Not a Fairytale Ending, I suppose - A Percabeth SelectionWhere stories live. Discover now