Running, Jumping, Leaping, and Lateness

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The moment by door was open I was met with loud squeals. I only got a glimpse of bushy brown hair and golden eyes before being tackled. "ANNABETH!!!"

"HAZEL!" I yelled back. "You're SUFFICATING ME!"

"I'm so glad to see you!" The girl jumped up and down, having finally let me go. I grinned back, "Sally came through after all."

"I was suppose to come here forever, with all the others too! Thalia is coming in a week, taking up a guard position, and the boys are obviously all here. Speaking of jobs, I'm your maid. You need some good outfits to impress that prince of yours." Hazel said happily in one breath. 

"Hazel!" I scolded, "He's my best friend, we aren't here to compete."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Someone put my name in," I lowered my voice. "I don't know who."

"Did Percy do it?"

"We both know that only girls can enter the slip."

"Eh," Hazel shrugged, "Doesn't matter."

The girl regained her bubbly smile, "You both love each other, and maybe this is what you both need to realize it. I can see it, just you need to too." Hazel looked up dreamily. 

"Like with you and Frank?"

"What about Frank?" She responded carefully, but the color was already rising in her cheeks. 

Hazel has a crush on Frank the size of Mars, and it's been that way for both of them since they first met on Percy's fifteenth birthday. It was the birthday of many things. 

One of those being how our friend group was created. 

We stayed up talking until almost midnight, then eventually fell asleep. 

Hazel woke me up at six-thirty sharp with a mood that was definitely not six-thirty-in-the-morning worthy. "Mornin' Annabeth! Or Lady Annabeth for that matter. Today the Selection starts officially and today is one of the first -of many- that you can call yourself His Royal Majesty Percy Jackson's girlfriend!"

I covered my eyes with my pillow and managed to mumble, "One of his thirty-five girlfriends."

Hazel promptly stripped me of my sheets, pillows, and blankets. I sat up, "Fine. I'll get up. Because you took away everything."

"Oh, stop being so dramatic, Annabeth." Hazel said cheerily. 

She hustled me into a bunch of fancy wear, and just for breakfast!

My hair had never been pulled in so many directions, and I have never used such uncomfortable shoes. Hazel finally decided on an elaborate braid and fancy grey dress with different shades that hung halfway down my calves. It wasn't tight at all, and I preferred it that way. I managed to convince her to only do eyeshadow and a light blush on my face. And I settled on a frown. 

I have to admit, I was pretty. But this isn't me. This isn't Annabeth. 

"You're in a selection now, Annabeth. Not regular Annabeth. Lady Annabeth." Hazel did a once over and grinned happily. She tugged my chin up slightly, "And smile."

Breakfast wasn't too bad, way too many girls were cramming in quick to sit near Percy and the other royals. I scoffed quietly, and got scolded by Micheala. 

It was ridiculous. I'm pretty sure more googly-eyes were made at Percy than bites eaten. Some complained at the few choices, but other than that it wasn't too bad. Estelle entertained some of us with her singing and dancing, amusing a couple of the girls. 

Not a Fairytale Ending, I suppose - A Percabeth SelectionWhere stories live. Discover now