September 19th 1986

1.5K 5 15

4:48 PM

Donald and Douglass couldn't find Thomas, but suggested Duck, Erick, and I go with them on a supply run since we were getting low on food. We headed out, and not much to be said about what we found. We found food and water. That's it. But, then we decided to go different ways. So we headed off alone, and Donald and Douglass stayed together. Down the line I noticed Duck was extremely low on coal and water, and soon enough was out. We used Duck's last bit of steam to whistle to try to get the twins attention, but to no avail. Duck stared panicking, saying how this is it and we're screwed. But, we then heard chuffing around the bend. Duck shut his eyes. but, then the engine whistled. And we all knew who it was. Oliver and his break van Toad rounded the bend, and I almost cried at the sight of them. And my brother, "Sean," hopped out of the cab, and ran over to me and we both hugged in joy. Oliver's Driver, "Leo," then hopped out of the cab and greeted us. Sean then gave us news I had been waiting for for days. My wife and son were alright, and were back at their hideout. I was so ecstatic I couldn't control myself. We followed Oliver back, and asked about his story. Oliver explained he was at Arlesburgh when the sirens went off. He had a passenger train heading to the mainland. As soon as those sirens went off, the conductor blew his whistle and they steamed off. However, only half of his train was hooked up, so he raced out of the station with only two coaches. They didn't stop until they got to a tourist location that Oliver had previously found not too long before all this. There was a shed there as well. The people Oliver saved took refuge in the house, and Oliver in the shed as the cloud passed over. They then held out there since there was running water close by, and two men Oliver saved were hunters. They volunteered to go find food if there is any, and have been going out every day to find food. Somehow, animals seem unaffected by the cloud. Unless they hid? I don't know. Oliver then explained two things. One was my wife and son were on board the train he escaped with. The other was the water source close by had radiation in it or something. Everyone who drank out of it became mutated, but still functioning. They're all still their own person, but just look mutated. Oliver says they act crazy sometimes too. The only people who didn't drink from the river was my wife, "Carly," and son, "Joseph," and Oliver's crew. I'm running out of ink in my pen, so I'll find a new one then explain what happened when we got there.

5:09 PM

I got another pen so time to finish explaining this. We arrived there, and saw Bertie the bus, and Harvey the crane engine. Harvey was dead, however. And then we saw James. Oliver explained how Harvey ended up finding them, and soon after Harvey and Oliver went out to find any survivors. They stayed gone for a few days, and returned with a dying James. Harvey was able to lift James back onto the rails and Oliver pulled him back to their hideout. They tried saving James, but to no avail. He passed in his sleep. But, I was happy to know he at least died around those who cared about him. When they went back out to find more survivors, they were attacked by Percy. Percy killed Harvey instantly, and ran off when he heard a noise in another direction. They brought Harvey back, and when they did Bertie the Bus was nearby. One man told us he crashed into the river. So that means he was mutated as well. But, once again, it's still Bertie. He's still in there. He just looks a little messed up now. When we walked in, I saw all the mutated people. They seemed to be on guard and suspicious about me and Erick. I found Carly and Joseph and embraced them. I then looked around the room to see a ton of firearms. These people were loaded. We explained to them how we got there, and they started seeming on edge. They started calling out how the story was bullshit, and we're secretly planning to kill them. I knew where this was going, and told Carly and Joseph to sneak out and get to Duck, and tell Oliver and his crew to get ready to go. They got out, and the mutated people grabbed their firearms and aimed them at us. They started talking about how good we're going to taste. I realized Oliver was wrong. They weren't finding animals. These bastards were eating other people. Just as they were about to kill Erick and I, something fell behind them, and we took it as an opportunity to run. We bolted back to Duck and jumped in his cab, but as Erick hopped in he got shot in the back of his shoulder. We steamed out with Oliver behind us, and I told Joseph to grab the shovel and put coal into Duck's firebox as fast as possible since Erick couldn't. I looked back, and the mutants were tailing us in Bertie. We picked up speed even more. I then heard a whooshing sound, and looked back to hear an explosion. Those crazy sons of bitches were shooting fireworks at us. Erick started to panic as Carly reassured him everything would be okay. We heard even more explosions, and each one was getting closer and closer. We eventually lost them when Bertie flipped over. We stopped soon to give the engines a rest and refill on coal and water. I began caring for Ericks wound. After several minutes, we headed back to our base. Everyone was relived to see us, and overjoyed to find Oliver was alright. We called Bailey over to help with Erick. Erick is now recovering from the gunshot with the help of Bailey. At least we know to never head back that way. I'm now going to go rest. It's been another hard day. But, then again, have we had any easy ones?

5:47 PM

There goes my original plans of relaxing. I can't help but realize whenever we seem to have a moment of peace, there's something around the corner about to give us another problem to deal with. Once we returned to Crovan's gate, we noticed how Duncan seems more calmer than usual. He must've been carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders after his experience. The other narrow gauge engines seem to have comforted him. Everyone greeted us, Oliver, and his crew. Tilly began treating to Erick's wounds, more professionally I may add. Turns out Tilly had a degree as a nurse before she decided to become Rosie's driver. Just as I thought we had a moment of relaxation, I remembered that Donald and Douglas are still out on that supply run. Me, Erick, and Oliver's crew immediately steaming up Duck and Oliver. Donald and Douglas have risked so much for us, and now it's our turn to return the favour. We're currently stopped at a water tower taking in some more water, we're very close to where we split up with the twins. I can't help but to have this sinking feeling that we'll end up in a position we won't wan't to be in.

6:21 PM

Didn't take us long to find the twins. Turns out they stopped at a nearby station, they decided to wait for us to find them. Why? I have no idea. Douglas was delighted to see that Oliver was okay, he hasn't forgotten the time he saved Oliver from scrap. It'd be a shame if his bravery went to waste. We coupled up to the back of Donald, and Oliver coupled up to the back of Douglas. We asked Oliver if he wanted to take toad, but he refused saying that he doesn't trust himself with him. So Oliver is taking a breakvan carrying workmen, and we're taking toad. Hopefully we can get back without taking too many risks.

7:29 PM

I hate my life so much, if my wife and son were still missing I'd just give up. We were silently chugging along back to Crovan's gate, when suddenly we heard Percy's mother fucking whistle right behind us. We immediately picked up speed and began rocketing away, but Percy was able to immediately give chase. He was going at speeds we never thought he could go at, it was insane. We couldn't go too fast, as we still needed to be able to keep control over the brakes so we don't end up like a certain mixed traffic engine. The workmen in the brakevan began shooting at Percy, joined by Douglas' driver. However, Percy didn't seem to show any signs of pain. My guess? His mutation is getting stronger by the day. This isn't good, if he's left alive for too long then we're all fucked. Percy eventually jumped off the rails and started running right beside us. He was about to skewer both me and Erick, but Douglas' driver shot his tendril off. Percy then made a leap in an attempt to derail us, but luckily we got out of the way before he could. Eventually, everyone ran out of bullets. Douglas' driver desperately looked around for something to get rid of that creature, and only found some dynamite. Only problem, he didn't have a proper position to throw it. While speeding down the track, we ran into a tree branch which hit duck in the eye, bruising it. We eventually switched off the tracks to brendam, when suddenly Douglas yelled that he had an idea. We all asked what, but all he did was ask Oliver for his forgiveness. Suddenly, Donald and Douglas applied to breaks, and Percy took this as an opportunity to stop us. He grabbed onto toad and the breakvan and began starting to tear their back off. Toad begged for someone to help him, but nobody could. We were thinking we were about to die, when suddenly I saw a signal box in the distance. We whistled for dear life, and fortunately our pleads were returned by the signalman (who I assume has been camping out there) diverting Percy onto a separate line. Douglas' driver then threw the dynamite, and it hit Percy. We were all so glad to be alive, apart from Oliver who was too focused being angry at Donald and Douglas for almost killing toad. We stopped at brendam and diverted onto a siding, when suddenly Percy rocketed pass us. Something I noticed was that Percy was making noises like he was in pain, that dynamite must've done some damage on him. That might be his weakness, I'll have to keep that in mind for later.

9:42 PM

We've decided to rest in a nearby shed, then we'll go back to base tomorrow. We tried to treat to duck's bruised eye, but we couldn't do much without Tilly's help. We're also going to be checking out the guy in the signal box tomorrow. I seriously need to sleep, these past few hours has been driving me crazy.

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