Somebody's watching me

409 13 1

"I'm new here!"



The bus stopped all of a sudden, we arrived at school.

"Oh... well, I'll talk to you later!" He got up and left, "Oh and, the name's-"

His voice got muffled through the loud crowds of people

Wow that's helpful, isn't it

Y/n got off the bus and looked at the school

For the first time,

She wasn't late for school.

Walking in the hallway,

Y/n wondered about the interaction she just had

"I swear I've heard that voice before" she mumbled

This will now bother her for the rest of eternity, well, until she figures it out. (Italics)

Y/n got lost in her thoughts and,

She bumped into someone.

Y/n fell onto the floor, due to her blurry vision she was unable to see who she bumped into.

"Hah! Y/n, stop daydreaming and watch where you're going! You're lucky it was me you bumped into!" A feminine-sounding voice laughed out.

Y/n slowly regained her vision

In front of her, a person in green stood, looking at her with their hands on their hips. She automatically knew it was Venti.

"Y/n, are you okay?"

A soft male voice spoke,


They reached their hands out to y/n

She grabbed it and pulled herself up.

Her vision is now fully recovered.

"Wow Venti, the least you could have done was help me up or ask if I was okay, instead of laughing at me." Y/n said annoyed, "Good thing we have Kazuha"

She looked at Kazuha and smiled to which he replied with a smile back.

Y/n turned back to face Venti,

Venti simply stuck his tongue out with his signature "hands on hips" pose.

Y/n noticed Kazuha holding a letter, but she didn't bother asking to whom it is to since it might be personal.

Kazuha noticed Y/n looking at the letter.

He held it closer (an automatic reflex) and looked at Venti to which he replied with a quiet giggle and a grin.

They started conversating for a while.

"Hey, do you guys know where Hu Tao and Xiao are?" Y/n asked

The two boys shook their heads

Huh, I wonder what Hu Tao is up to, I somehow have a bad feeling but... It might just be one of her terrible pranks again. And now she's dragging Xiao along with her. Poor kid.

They left the topic and talked about something else. Y/n did not want to say, but she felt like someone was watching her. She started getting uncomfortable and was about to tell the boys, then the bell rang.

I had always wished that the bell never rang in the morning but, today, I could not have asked for anything other than the bell to ring. Thank you, bell!

Y/n left with the boys,

Kazuha turned and shot a look at a figure who quickly disappeared behind the wall. Kazuha cocked his head slightly.

"Hey! Kazu! Why'd you stop?" Venti yelled from a short distance

Kazuha, instead of telling Venti the reason, mumbled his words and decided not to tell him since it wasn't a big deal.

I noticed Y/n getting slightly uncomfortable, whoever that person was, they were looking at her. But why hasn't she said anything about it? This would most likely happen again, so I'm not going to bother trying to figure it out and let itself play out.

Kazuha joined the others

"You're not very good at spying on people." A girl spoke

"Why should I be good at spying on people?" A boy replied

"Hmm, if you ever want to prank someone!" the girl said cheekily.

"I'm not into any of your foolish, childish pranks." The boy replied coldly.

"They aren't childish, you know, nor are they foolish!" The girl stomped her foot lightly, "They're fun to do! To see the person's reaction! And when you both laugh it off at the end..." The girl spoke lowly at the end, getting a flashback of the first time she pranked someone it was her childhood best friend. She got so spooked. She first said it wasn't funny and kept a disappointed expression but, when the girl let a small laugh escape, they both started laughing to their heart's content. She always cherished that memory.

"Everything okay?" the boy asked.

"Um, yeah..." The girl said in a low voice, "let's just go to class."

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