A familiar voice, It has to be...

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Oh my god...


Y/n felt elated that she found out who it was. It had to be him, his name, his voice and.. oh! That text message! It said he's moving... uh I forgot the rest b-but it did say he's moving... right? Please be right! There's only one way to find out.

"C-Childe?" Y/n said whispering nervously.

"Childe?" He responded

Oh god, I was wrong, I was wrong!

"Sorry, I confused you with one of my... friends, heh," Y/n said hesitantly.

"I'm Y/n, by the way." She added turning to face the whiteboard out of embarrassment.

"Wait, Y/n...?" He asked

"Y-yup! That's um me."

"I didn't know you were so nervous irl," he said with a snicker.

Y/n whipped her head around

"Childe!" She said a bit louder on accident, she took a quick look at the teacher to make sure he didn't hear, although he 100% heard her and he looked at Y/n but not with a look that he was about to send her to detention, he... smiled?

It creeped Y/n out a lot. Why did he smile at me...?  She decided to communicate by writing on a piece of paper. She passed the note to Ajax.

- How could you scare me like that!!!

 He wrote swiftly and passed the note back.

- I would have expected you to know I was moving schools.

Y/n replied and passed the note.

- Well you chose today to tell me and today I wanted to make it on the bus on time! So I couldn't check my phone.

- Welllll that sounds like a U problem ;)

He wrote back.

Y/n glared at him and started writing, then passed the note.

- Let's just listen to the teacher's lesson and talk during lunch period

- Yes ma'am ;)

- Shut up and stop with the winky face

- Okay ;)

Y/n stuffed the note in her bag.

The whole lesson was so boring Y/n fell asleep, well, almost her human alarm clock, Ajax made sure she stay woke throughout the whole class.

It was the end of class, Y/n walked to the door as Ajax followed. The teacher gave Y/n a creepy smile. Which made Y/n want to leave faster.

Ajax got stopped by the same three cheerleaders from class.

"Heyyyy!" A cheerleader said as she twirled a strand of blonde hair.

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