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(Years Ago)

Goblin Slayer runs down the halls of a an advanced research building, being chased by a large group of monsters. He activates a nano-wall and restocks on ammo, before seeing three other surviving soldiers enter the room.

Goblin Slayer: "Hey! Over here!"

The soldiers run over to restock with him and they aim at the vents and doors.

Duke: "We're doomed man. We're fucking dead."

Keen: "Don't say that! We'll make it!"

Blazkowicz: "Vent! On the left!"

The soldiers aim at the vent and shoot the creature entering from it. They aim back at the doorway, killing a group of mutant scientists that broke through. As the monsters enter the room, the marines quickly fall back, running as fast as they can.

Sam: "AHHHHHH!!"

Goblin Slayer: "Sam! I'm coming!"

Goblin Slayer runs down the halls, seeing his sister, Sam, being cornered by the large demonic Hell Knight.

Goblin Slayer begins to empty his gun into the Hell Knight, which switches targets and starts to attack him

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Goblin Slayer begins to empty his gun into the Hell Knight, which switches targets and starts to attack him. It hits him back and prepares to crush him, until the other three surviving marines open fire on the demon, successfully killing it with enough ammo. Goblin Slayer tries to get up, but falls down quickly. Sam runs towards him, checking his vitals and seeing them drop.

Sam: "Hang in there John! We'll find a way!"

Sam sees a vial on the ground and checks it, seeing it read "Serum DM-2005". She's about to inject it into John, until he stops her.

John: "We.......we won't know if it'll work."

A group of demons enters and tries to grab Sam, until Duke tackles them all back, closing a nano-wall in the process while pulling the pins off his grenades, laughing while doing it.

John: "DUKE!!"

Duke: "I'm gonna nuke these fu-!"

As the wall closes completely, Dukes grenades blow up, killing him and the demons that he was holding back.

Keen: "Duke!"

Blazkowicz: "ON THE WINDOWS!!"

Sam looks back at John, and injects him with the serum. John gets back up, slowly losing consciousness, before getting Sam and the others out of the room. As they approach a hallway, a group of smaller demons appear and roar at the survivors.

 As they approach a hallway, a group of smaller demons appear and roar at the survivors

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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