Cute - Ranpoe

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(As always art not mine, found it on google. Credits to the owner.)

No one's POV:

'I wonder if he'll like it... I mean, I'm not good with romance and stuff but for him... I want to change... No possitive thoughts!!! That's it I'm doing it!!!'

The the dark brown haired man carefully folded the letter and placed it inside the book he was holding. He put the book down and picked up his phone. The male dialed a number and brought the handset to his ear so he could hear the other. 

[Hello, who might be calling?]

[R-ranpo-kun, is that you?]


The brown haired male could here cheering and clapping and shouting from the other line. 

[Ranpo-kun is everything okay?]

[Y-yes yes. Anyway, it's rare for you to call me, do you need something?]

[Uhm... I f-finished the book I had promised you... I wondered if you could come and get it.]

Rnpo could probably hear Poe's heartbeat from the phone but the taller didn't care.

[Sure, I could come right now actually. Are you free?]

[Y-YES!!!! I-I mean yes I'm free...]

[It's settled then!!! See ya in a bit!!]

[Mhm, b-bye now.]

Audio call ended

Poe placed down the phone and instantly collapsed on his chair.

"I did it. I DID IT!!!!"

His face flushed as he recalled Ranpo's voice so close to his ear. He fixed his posture and waited for the shorter male to arrive.

"God this isn't good for my heart."


Ranpo who apparently had heard what Poe said barged in and shouted. The violet eyed man stood there stunned. There was an akward silence and Ranpo was regreting his life choices when Poe fell into a fit of laughter. 

"Hey, what's so funny?"

"N-nothing, ahahaha you're just too c-cute ahahaha!!"

Poe managed to utter between his chuckles and giggles. Realisation hit the brown haired male and he immediately stopped laughing. His cheeks were redder than roses but since his hair was long it wasn't visible. Ranpo on the other hand took off his hat and hid his face with it since he was a blushing mess. There it was, that damn silence again. None of them dared to talk or even move. All they could do was stare at the ground until...

"S-say, did you mean that, j-just now?"

"Hmmm, Ehhhhh?!!! I- Y-yeah I did...."

"I s-see. So you think I'm cute?"


"You know, I too.... Think you're cute..."

"Really, t-tha-thanks..."

"A-anyway there is the novel. I hope you l-like it."

Poe said and and handed the vintage looking book to the male in front of him. The shorter snatched it and took a look at it while he stayed still eyes on the ground and face crimson red.

"Okay then I shall solve it and bring it back to you tomorrow!!!"

"O-okay, I suggest you come here at about 5 p.m."

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