How about:

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(Y/N) being scarry good at games, there wasn’t a time he lost a round nor let any of the kids win even once while playing together but when it’s Steve playing against him, he lets that mf win more than once in any game they played toghther.

… … ... ... ... … … ... ... ... … … ... ... ... … … ... ...

(Y/N): Dusty, why are you looking at me like that?



Dustin: You like him don’t you? Really? Out of all people you choose Steve and let him win?



(Y/N): I don’t know what are you talking about kid. I just had a bad hand day thats all.



Dustin: Mhm yea, definitely when you stand behind him with your hand on his, moving the joystick “helping” him win, lets not forget about the other one being on his waist holding the loop hole between your fingers. Admit it, you have it bad.



(Y/N): *ignores and turns to the others with big smile* who wants pizza for dinner?

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