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We're back! Still in progress with book #1 currently, and I'm planning on finishing it, so if you're waiting on that, don't worry.

I know the first book isn't that exciting and it's definitely the least popular 'cause no one wants to read ACTUAL fanfics only x reader fics.

But tbh same.

Anyways, this one's gonna just chillax here for a little while until I finish book #1.

I want to thank all of you (even the silent readers) for supporting book #2 and I really hope that you AT LEAST check out book #1. I'll be posting the next part (hopefully) shortly.

Thank you so, so, so much for all the love and support! I hope you'll be inclined to check out this book (because I've actually been dying to write this one) and Wyatt and y/n will continue to be a SLOW BURN. Because getting together right away isn't very romantic in my eyes.

ALSO if you're new here, I must inform you that this trilogy is based on my potential (as in, hasn't happened yet) reality shifting experience. So, if you're an anti-shifter who enjoys the Z-O-M-B-I-E-S trilogy, I incline for you to

A. Be quiet and respectful about your opinions on shifting and enjoy the story


B. Don't bother

I don't want any kind of negativity here, I'm just writing and sharing the love.

I love you all, and I'll be back soon enough to eventually end my trilogy <3


Your favorite fanfic writer,

Kady (yeah I signed my (kind of) name)

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3/ Wyatt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now