No Slumber Tonight

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You and Addison sat down at the dining table, where Mrs. Wells had laid out a... Smorgasbord. Mashed potatoes, meat loaf (already sliced), and freshly cut green beans. There was even a dish of watermelon on the table.

Weird... You thought. You'd never seen someone eat fruit for dinner.

But it was a step up from any mean your father would've cooked up. You loved him to death, but that man should definitely stay out of the kitchen. You couldn't count on both hands how many times pizza had to "save dinner." You didn't mind too much though; after all, pizza was delicious, and if you ever felt the slightest bit self conscious, Addison was there to validate and redirect.

"So, y/n, are you excited for the new school year?" Mrs. Wells asked, scooping potatoes onto her plate.

You nod and smile, gently picking up a slice of meatloaf.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. Addison's been working hard on that new routine. You will be rejoining the squad this year, won't you?" She asked, sweetly.

"Yes, of course. I've been on it my whole time here. It would be... Unprofessional of me to quit now." You respond.

Mrs. Wells nods her head in agreement, liking your answer.

Mr. Wells clears his throat. "So, has your dad said anything about taking up that job I offered him?"

Surprised by the question, you find yourself silently stumbling for a second. You senses a little tension; you'd concluded that Mrs. Wells kicked Mr. Wells from under the table after a just noticeable grimace.

"Oh, um, well... He's kind of happy where he is. He doesn't like to complain." You use your fork to mash your potatoes further.

"You don't have to talk about this right now..." Addison whispered from beside you.

You gave her a reassuring glance before continuing the conversation in a way you hoped made you sound grown up.

"He likes to earn things. As grateful as he'd be for this opportunity, he just doesn't think he deserves it." You take a small bite of your, now pureed, potatoes. "And besides, we wouldn't want to impose. I'm sure there's plenty of... More qualified people for the job. People with more experience, I mean."

Mr. Wells nods, understandingly. "Just... let him know the offer still stands. We're very grateful for the insight he's given us since the wolves arrival in Seabrook."

You smile in response.

Casual conversation ensues afterward. Mostly concerning school, cheer, and football. Occasionally Zed gets brought up; how you think he'll do, if his dad's doing well, if he's got plans for college.

You're not very well versed in Zed's "after high school" plans, but Addison spills a lot of details you didn't know of before.

Like, you knew he wanted to follow Addison to Mountain College, but what you didn't know was that he didn't have a backup solution. It was very well known around town that zombies weren't exactly well versed in the rest of the world, so Zed's high hopes to get into an established human school seemed far fetched.

But, of course, you knew more than anyone (with a secret advantage and a simple gut feeling), things would turn his way.

After dinner, you offered to help Mrs. Wells clean up the dishes before you and Addison made your way back upstairs to her room, aided by a bowl of popcorn and a plate of (fresh) chocolate covered strawberries.

You sat down on Addison's floor, placing the popcorn down in front of you.

You popped a piece into your mouth. "There's another meteor shower in the forecast."

"Really? That's the third one this month... I figured they'd be done by now..." Addison replied, shuffling through her DVDs.

"Yeah. I think the moonstone shifted an electromagnetic field or whatever. I didn't see meteor showers happening anywhere else so... Guess it's another 'Seabrook Thing.'"

Addison chuckled, holding up a nature documentary. "How about this?" She said, sarcastically.

You scrunched up your face, chucking a piece of popcorn at her. "Glad my best friend is a comedian." You stood up, only to drop down next to her. "What have you got in here, anyway?"

Addison's eyes widened as she dodged the popcorn. She shook her head, smiling, as she returned her attention to the discs. "Hm... not a lot. How about..." Addison's eyes scanned the movies laid on the ground. "E.T.?"

You tilted your head upward, contemplating. You considered the humor of the situation, your dream popping into your head. You smiled. "Yeah, sure. Haven't seen that classic in a while."

The two of you made yourselves comfortable, (sorry if you don't like cuddling your friends) snuggling close together, wrapped in a blanket.

For the next hour and a half, you were preoccupied with the TV. So preoccupied, that you didn't notice your phone buzzing halfway through. As the credits rolled up the screen, you glanced down finding a missed call from...

(You guessed it) WYATT?!

You excitedly threw the blanket off your shoulders, tapping Addison on the shoulder. "He called me! A half hour ago! What do I do?!" Your heart races in your chest and your voice rose with anxiety.

Addison placed her hands firmly on your shoulders in an attempt to ground you back to reality. "Calm yourself. It was a phone call. Just call him back, okay?"

Your eyes widened. "What if he thinks I'm ignoring him??" Your hands began to slightly tremor.

"Hey. Hey. Relax. I'm sure he doesn't think that. Just... call him back. I don't mind." Addison smiled assuredly.

Your body slumped slightly. "I feel kinda bad... this was supposed to be our night..."

Addison sighed in response, smirking. "I know you want to talk to him. Besides, we spent all summer together and the two of you have been on one measly date during a three month break. Call him back."

You smiled slightly. "Okay, okay. But... can you stay here with me? I'm... I'm nervous."

Addison playfully rolled her eyes, still smiling. "Yeah, okay. Just call, already!"

Your fingers fumbled over the screen, quickly trying to type in your passcode. It took 6 tries, but you finally got it. You clicked on Wyatt's contact and without thinking, pressed the "call" button.

You inhaled and held your breath, when you heard him answer, you froze.




Sorry I'm such a slacker guys. I was going through a real mental crisis, but don't worry, I'm all better (still dying).

Hope you enjoyed this chapter (I am apologizing profusely, do you feel my sorry-ness through the screen?), sorry if it's a lil short, I really wanted to give you guys something to read.

Hope you're having a spectacular day 😍


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