Az's Normal Day

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Az's pov

I opened, set up and stretching. The clock said it was 06:58, jumping of my bed (if you can call it that). Well, more of a swing then a bed, hanging really close to a wall. When we first got it dad tried to set it up, but failed miserably. Both because he can't read and is too short. In the end Loona put up by herself.

Walking to the leaving room, I'm already scrolling on voxtagram. "Monin' Az, sleep will?" I didn't need to look up to know who it is.

"Yeah, and you dad?" I ask back.

"Guess what, I dreamed of HORSE! IT WAS AMAZING! ONE OF THEM HAD-" dad started to explained.

"SHUT UP!! It's too early in the FUCKING MORNING!" Loona shouted from our room.

"Sorry, Loony... Anyways Azzy, I made your favourite, WAFFLES!!" Even though He apologised, he still shouted.

I could hear her growling, as she walked out of the room. "See you at the office, Blitzø. And YOU I better not see you at the office before school is dismissed." And with that Loona walked out.

"Was I that loud?" Dad asked

"Yeah, can I have my waffles now?" As I already set down on the couch.

"Of course, do you want milk too?" Dad asked with his eyes sparkling.

"Why are you asking?" I looked at his suspiciously. He was about to say something, "don't tell me you bought something again."

"Hehe, maybe. In my defense, it fucking adorable! I almost thought of waking ya' up." He opened one of the cupboards, revealing some kinder shaped like a cat's foot cups. What really made it look like a cat's foot was the random dots of colour that a cat can have, and the paws drawn on. "Look at it, isn't it just, cute?"

"What else did you buy?" I ask with one brow raised.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. Okay maybe, I bought a horse ones too." Looking away, he got the plate of waffles with the milk in the cat cup. "Here, also I want to talk abou-" dad's phone started ringing, taking it out and- "FOR FUCK SAKE, why so FUCKING early. YOU FUCKING RICH, PRIVILEGED BITCH WANT ME FOR. I sorry Az, we can talk in the car. I'm going to the bathroom." With that dad walk to the bathroom (which isn't that far really) and closed the door.

I just eat my breakfast and scroll through some voxtagram. Vox and Valentino had another "rough" patch. And Valentino smashed Vox's screen head. Velvet is saying to support them in their break up. Also Valentino account is blocked again.

I didn't notice, but I finished my breakfast already. Walking back to my room, I go to the closet and don't find my usual wear. So I put on same fishnet tights, their probably dad's. There were also shots, put those on. I also find Loona's oversized t-shirt. Finding my favourite gloves. I need something striped. In the conor of my eyes there's my classic long sleeve top, only to see a blood stain on the middle. So I say fuck it, cut of the long sleeve right off. Grabbing special glue, slipping on the sleeves like these socks and sticking them so the don't slide around. I hate it when socks slide down. All I need is shoes.

"Az, you really?" Dad burst into the room. Once his eyes landed on me, he started tearing up. "You look so bad, I'm so proud." He ended almost actually crying. "I will be in the car," dad said as he walked out. And yes, the whole time I had a poker face.

Quickly putting some chunky boots platforms, and some eyeliner, I head out the door. Why does dad always leaves me to close the door. Someone's already in the elevator, so I take the steer. I guess dad had the same idea...

"FUCKING OPEN!! BITCH I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY- Oh hi Az, don't worry I have it-" I walk infant of him sliding the sliding lock open, and opening it. "Oh, we never talk about this, understand."

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