Spring Broken

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I hope you injoy this chapter.


Blitzø was driving recklessly while listening to some song, apparently his favourite song that he couldn't even remember the words to. Loona was on her phone, looking like she regret everything in her life. And Az sat in the middle, headphones in. Watching some iiluminaughtii (yes this is a really youtuber, go check her out). Millie opened one of the window, looking out with a smile, as her husband covered his ears.

As Blitzø was about to park, another car park right before he can. "AHH, HOLY SHIT!" Blitzø hit on the brakes right on time. "Oh, you SUCK for life, do ya?" Pulling out a megaphone, "Listen up, you pink dumb fuck, you got 3 god damn seconds to get out my parking spot!" as a shadow of a tall succubus, in high heels shot dress barely covering anything, a fluffy coat and sunglasses. Her long hair styled perfectly messy. "Oh, shit. Verosika?"

"Blitzo," the succubus replied.

"I should have known you'd be here, I could smell fish for miles, which is odd. Because I believe the nearest ocean is-" he fell from his window, but getting right up. "Is three rings down!"

"And I should have known you'd be here when I heard the Amber Alerts." She shot back.

"Oh, yeah? I'm surprised they let your fat ass out of rehab I can see you're still a drunken and a hoe. Clutching onto that Beelze-Juice bottle like it's the last cock in hell!" Blitzø said angrily

"They let me out because I'm still famous. And rehab is for sad loser wash-ups, so your sister says hi." She said as she drank some more, and cleaned of the extra off.

"Why are you parking here, this is the only parking spot my company has. So take your tampon race car somewhere else!" Blitzø glad at her.

"Actually, prick, it has my name on it." She said as she pointed to the ground, which had I.M.P. crossed out with pink, and underneath it saying Verosika with a heart at the end. "I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building."

Loona looked in shock, "no way." Az was looking on also, but with a devilish smile.

"And they wanted to have me come in this week, to lead their team during spring break." She said looking done on him.

"A WEEK? No, no you are not parking here for a fucking week." He almost yelled at her.

"Oh, you mad, Blitzo?" She said as she took of her sunglasses. "So, you gonna run off leaving someone else to pay for the hotel room. Steal their car." Blitzø joined her on her but looked like he didn't really give a fuck, "And run three rings wrath, and max (my/yours) credit card, ON SHITTY HORSE LESSONS!"

"God damn it hoe, you will not let that go." Blitzo said, stumping his foot at the end.

"Go choke on a sandpaper cock." She walk away with her heels clinking walking past Blitzø's car. Loona still looking in shock, Az already got out. Walking to the building smiling evilly.

Walking in he was meet with a back of a taller succubus, in high heel boots, shot black crop top barely covering anything, with a shot gingham skirts with a pink tint to it.


"Or, I will-" Blitzø angrily pointed at Verosika when suddenly he feels someone presents behind him.

"You what?" A tall hellhound stood behind him, almost growling the word out as he glad at Blitzø.

Blitzø looked around nervously, "or I'll, um, I'll call hr" he said as he pretended to push buttons. At that the hellhound, Verosika and the hellhound all laugh, a fake laugh.

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