Spring Broken 2

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"Az, I think you dad will be able to tell it you. Do you have any better human disguise?" Victoria asked looking at a black human with some white odd spots and different coloured hair some of it is almost black and the other is pale blonde.

"Yeah, but I can say the some to you, Verosika and her team will recognise you." He said looking up and down at Victoria who anyone who seen her demon form can tell it her.

"What exactly do we do? Why are in this stupid studio?" She asked looking around at all the pictures of different celebrities.

Az walked away a bit, to which Victoria followed. "This is why." He said as he pointed at a picture of Verosika in her human form, withthe letters underneath 'VEROSIKA MAYDAY'. "This building is where she is, any fan will know this."

"Oh and what exactly are we going to do? Is she even here?" She glaring at the photo. 

"I don't know but it doesn't matter." He said as Victoria can only put her brow up. "I can make you look like her-"

"No, I am NOT gonna let that happen."

"Listen to me, I will make you look like her and I will make me look like one of her works. We will pretend to be in a relationship. You will hit me and call me names, be as toxic as you want. After that we will post the video and some photos. The Media will cancel her. Her carer is over. And mabey we can even imply that she has a deal and will get money from it, that deal is obviously my dad's business. Say what you think."

"That is," she looked at him with a blank face, "actually a good plan. But how? Do I need to do something?"

"This is where she ''lives'' so we just need to sneak in. You can do that?" He said as he started walking to the stairs.

"Yeah, I can do that, just follow you right?" She asked following him


"What are you doing. You do realise, fans not allowed." A deep voice growled.

"Are you even paid enough to care, because lost time I check, hellhound aren't paid much." Az snorted at the statement, he only knew that because on Loona. 

"Oh, you not humans. I didn't even realise." The tall man with broad shoulders and a scar on his face. "Hay, aren't you one of the cat working for my boss's freaky ex?"

"Oh, and now you wouldn't let us in great..." Victoria looked like she just found out that she was a child that didn't get what they wanted. 

"Nah, we cool. And as the cat said I'm not paid enough to care." He said looking away. "I don't think we were introduced to each other, I'm Vertex, but my friends call me Tex" He looked down at them.

"I'm Azrael, but everyone calls me Az, and this is Victoria. Ya actually cool with us being here?" He explained.

"Yeah, what are you doing here anyways?" Vertex asked looking down with a bit of a smile at Az.

"Just getting some pictures. After we leave it will be like we never been here." Az explained. "Also can you promise not to tell no-one even the other sis, especially dad."

"Who?" Vertex asked as Victoria looked around nervously, usually everyone included her in them. 

"You boss's ex and the hellhound. I can pay you of you want." Getting out his wallet.

"Nah, it's fine. I know what's it like to sneak out and not wanting people to find out, I will keep my mouth shut." He said looking away. "I gone to many partys I shouldn't have. I've never even met ya."

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