Chapter 6

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The high-pitched scream had Leyla dropping the berries she had been collecting. 


Drawing her sword, Leyla ran in the direction of the cries. Her heart steady, her hand firm on the hilt of her weapon, she broke through the cover of trees expecting to find Bone Eaters...but there were none. Instead, she caught sight of panicked villagers pulling the children out of the water and beyond them...a Timsa! Bloody Diya!

Leyla dropped her sword and ran into the water just as the Timsa's massive jaw clamped down on the little girl's leg.

"KAYA!" Came a panicked call from the shore. The girl's blue eyes widened in panic and pain, but her scream was lost as the creature pulled her under the water. If it took her into the deep, the girl would be as good as dead.

Without another thought, Leyla launched herself forward and grabbed onto the beast with both arms. Surprised, it twisted back, but did not release the girl's leg as it swiped its tail at Leyla. She jumped out of the way, the water reaching her shoulders when her knee hit the ground. The creature moved quickly, dragging Kaya's unconscious body with it as it made another break for deep waters. 

Leyla jumped at it again, this time only managing to grab its tail. The Timsa thrashed, trying to shake her off. She could hear the screams from shore as her arms strained, her muscles burning while her palms ripped on sharp scales. No! No! No! Her fingers were slipping. She couldn't let go! She wouldn't let Kaya die! She couldn't let her die! There was only one way. One chance. Taking a strained breath, Leyla called for the Heat.

The power gathered into her hands and rushed up her arms. There was no time to wonder at the speed with which the Heat filled her body. She had only moments to end this. Digging her fingers around the beasts scales, Leyla pulled with renewed strength.

Swiping its tail left and right, the Timsa tried to escape, but Leyla managed to draw herself up to its long, hard head. No metal could pierce the scales of this predator, but one part of its body was unprotected. Gritting her teeth, Leyla dug her fingers into the Timsa's eyes. The creature growled with pain, unlocking its jaw just long enough for her to pull Kaya's leg from its mouth.

Holding the girl against her side, Leyla prepared to fight the Timsa head on, but the wounded beast dove into the water and disappeared.

"Kaya! Please, Kaya!" The cries snapped Leyla out of her momentary surprise and had her looking down at the little girl in her arms. Her face was ashen, her body limp; a dark pool of blood was spreading around Kaya's wounded leg. Hang on little one. Please, don't die. Lifting the girl in her arms, Leyla waded to shore where the villagers were waiting.

"This way! This way! Quickly!" They motioned with hurried gestures for Leyla to bring her into their small camp. The women rushed to put dry blankets on the ground near the fire which had retained some of its warmth. Once Leyla put Kaya down, she was pushed out of the way as the villagers went to work. Needles, bowls, cloths were rushed to and fro as one of the younger women who obviously had some knowledge of medicine, threw out commands.

Time moved slowly. Kaya's blood soaked the hardened earth while the adults tried to stitch her torn flesh together. The other children cried in the laps of the elderly. The older boy stood stiff, his eyes hard as he waited to see if yet another member of his village would die.

After what felt like an age, the one in charge stood and everyone took a step back. "We have done what we could, but she will not survive the night if we don't get her some medicine."

"What medicine, Malia?" It was the elderly woman who spoke up now. "Where can we get medicine out here?"

One of the other children, a boy with chubby cheeks and a tear streaked face started whaling. "Kaya pushed me in front of her. She pushed me so the monster wouldn't eat me."

"Hush now," the elderly woman admonished, but her voice was shaking.

"The Sage!" The older boy stepped forward suddenly. There was a light in his eyes now, "The Sage is staying in mud village! He helps everyone, does he not?"

The Sage? Leyla had never heard of the name, but the sudden hope that lit several of the villagers faces told her he must be a famous healer.

"He does help everyone ," Malia agreed. "But mud village is at least half-a-days walk from here. We are a few able bodies amongst us, how can we take Kaya that distance?"

The villagers continued to argue as Leyla turned away to find her abandoned sword. Once she had it back in its sheath at her hip, she tightened her scarf around her head and walked into their midst.

Having forgotten about her presence, the villagers stepped aside in surprise, allowing Leyla to bend down on one knee beside the unconscious Kaya.

Birds sung overhead, but not a body stirred in the little camp until Malia's hesitant voice rang out: "You will carry her, sir?"

Leyla opened her mouth, then feeling the hoarseness in her throat, decided to nod instead. She could feel the Heat draining from her muscles, knew that she might well not make it all the way, but amongst this group of weak bodies, Leyla was the girl's only hope.

She would not let Kaya die.

Tapping her shoulder briskly, Leyla glared at the villagers and managed to stun them into action.

"Go, everyone! Pack up!" Malia spoke quickly. Then she was signalling for the two other women to help her hoist the wounded girl onto Leyla's back.

"I'll lead you there!" The older boy rushed forward.

Leyla stood with the cold, unmoving Kaya on her back and waited to feel a shallow breath against her skin, before she followed.

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