Drowning - 39

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*Kayley's pov*

I was moved into another room, to then where I was also questioned by doctors. They have decided to think twice about having me admitted to the Gemstone Mental Institution of the Psychiatric Treatment Hospital. They've labeled me as ASA, which stands for Accidental Suicidal Attempt. I'm kind of shocked I'm not being placed in a salutary. I do have to have a counsellor, but it'll be one of those that management picks out. I wish I could turn back time, and change my mind. I wish I didn't feel so, empty. I'm a horrible person. Now everything will be different. The boys will think so much different of me. What if this leaks out to the public? Where does my life go after this...
I hate how I can't picture my future, while everyone else can. Even if I do think of a plan, I think of adding friends into it. While my friends, they don't even bother to include me, "Oh and you'll be there too, Kayley!" never comes out of anyone's mouths. I feel like I don't fit into anyone's lives. When Blake was here, I thought about having him in my life, but everything changed. I just don't understand how selfish I could be. I'm so stupid. I'm horrible. I'm ugly. I'm ignorant, and ugly. Why did I do these things to everyone I love? I didn't mean to. I'm so worthless, and inhumane. Why am I so fucked up? I hate my life. Someone please save me from my self, I'm drowning.

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