Kidnapping - 30

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( A/N; THE FIRST HALF IS STOLEN FROM One Trip by sStshorexstyles, READ HER STORIES! THEY'R AWESOME AND SO IS SHE. I stole it from her because I've been meaning to write a story of her and our friend for quite a while now, so I'm adding the story i never wrote, into this one. Hope you lik e it? Ehh, comment how you think it is?)


*Back Stage*

We walked backstage and got in line. The line wasn't that long. When we got backstage, we were the last ones in line so it was a pretty long wait. Everyone was getting pictures with the boys and autographs. We watched the other girls go while we stood in line waiting. "You excited to be meeting Niall?" I looked over at Kristen.

"Yes omg! He is so perfect and I finally get to meet him." Kristen laughed, "Just, don't fangirl when you meet Harry." She punched my arm lightly.

"I'll try not too. Don't freak over Niall." I laughed and pushed Kristen back. "I can't believe that we are actually here in line, waiting to meet the boys." I fangirled a little.

"Stacey, I can't either but chica calm down." She laughed and we moved up one spot in line. There was only 4 more people in front of us.

"Oh hush it." I laughed a little. "Let me be excited about meeting my idols."

"You're so crazy child." Kristen laughed and we moved up one more spot in the line.

"I'm excited about meeting them to but just don't freak out in front of them."

"I won't." I laughed, "So did you see Harry wink at me?" I looked at Kristen.

"Yes, you were blushing big time when he did." Kristen poked my cheeks.

"No I wasn't!" I pushed her hand away.

We moved another spot in the line. Only 2 more people left before it's out turn.

"Yeah you were." I shook my head and laughed a little. I still couldn't believe we were about to meet One Direction. My heart was pounding and I was freaking out on the inside. My dream has finally came true! Who knew a normal girl like me would be meeting the most popular boy-band ever. As we moved up another spot I started to shake a little. I was so excited that I just wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I didn't want the boys to think that I was another fangirl.

We moved up the last spot and waited for the girls in front of us to finish with the boys. "Stacey don't freak. He is just a normal boy." Kristen tried to calm me down.

"I'm cool, I'm cool." I breathed for a minute then shook everything off. "It's our turn!" We walked over to the boys and they all smiled and waved. Except Louis and Harry who were off in their own little worlds messing around.

"Hey girls!" Liam smiled and waved. "What are your names?"

"I'm Stacey." I smiled a little and waved back.

"I'm Kristen and that's Jessica." Kristen traduced herself and her sister.

"Harry, Louis! Calm down!" Liam shouted over to the boys and they both laughed and punched each other and walked over to us.

Harry looked at me and smiled. His mouth feel open like he was going to say something but nothing came out. "Hi Harry." I smiled and waved to him.

"Hi, I'm uhh I'm well I'm Hi." Harry blushed and stuttered.

"Way to go Harry." Zayn joked and all the boys laughed.

"What?" Harry looked at Zayn confused.

"Hi, I'm uhh I'm well I'm hi." Zayn mocked Harry. Harry blushed a dark red.

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