It's The Ghost Of Abraham Lincoln I Swear. - 10

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I had finally cleaned the last of the crap called make-up off my face.

My eye's were red and puffy from crying.

I had never felt so used in my entire life.

I went into my closet and tore off the slutty clothing.

I slipped on some PJ pants and a t-shirt that has barbies on it.

I dunno why I just like this top.

My phone starts to vibrate again and I walk over to pick it up.

From: Laykin.

Seriously? I never said ANYTHING bad about you and this is how you treat me? Some "friend" you are.

To: Laykin.

You knew this whole time that they were going to do this to me didn't you?

I'm not letting Laykin blame this whole thing on me!

Tears start to stream down my face, I pull out my laptop and sure enough there are picture of me, in the slutty outfit, make-up falling off my face, Louis with a mad expression pulling me into the car and to make it worse the headline is "Little Tomlinson In Trouble?". Ugh. They don't even know.

From: Laykin

Yeah. I knew. But I NEVER agreed with any of it.

To: Laykin.

Oh. Okay. I'm the bad friend because I said ONE bad thing about you but you're a good friend because you knew the other girls were planning on only being my friends so you could meet my dad and you sat back and watched them say all that rude stuff about me. Sounds fair.

From: Laykin

IM SORRY OKAY! It was stupid but I had no other friends! I can't just ditch them! Oh and btw I left the sleepover after you did. You're welcome

I threw my phone on my bed.

I hate this.

Being a teenager.

Having friend problems.


Being famous.

Why can't I be normal?

Then it happened.


Just when I thought my night couldn't get any worse. It did.

My "monthly gift" had arrived for the first time.

There are no other girls in the house.




I grab my phone and run to the bathroom.

To: Nialler

I need some help. I have a girl problem do you think you can get El?

Hopefully he sees this

Almost immediately he texts me back.

From: Nialler

I'm calling El. If you need anything tell me, Love, okay? xx.

To: Nialler

Okay. Thanks love you.

I feel really bad for not asking Louis but I don't think now is a good time since he's mad at me.

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