1: Orientation Day, Not Sexual Orientation Day

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Pete's POV

I never liked switching schools,  but this time, it wasn't my choice. My dad had disappeared, and my mom had my two little brothers, and one baby sister to take care of — so when I was offered a full ride at one of the most prestigious boarding schools in California for the rest of high school, she was definitely one to oblige.So I sat here, in the gym of my new school, on the bleachers, alone.

I wasn't typically a loner — I'd been kinda popular (I guess that's the word), so I wasn't very used to this. This is what I did while the principal was making his first speech. "Blah blah blah, get your dorm assignments from Mrs. Krap, blah blah blah," was about all that I heard out of his whole long speech. I had fallen asleep by the time his speech had ended — as in I fell asleep before it really started.

"Hello? Are you okay?" someone asked, tapping my shoulder.

"Hnnnngh," I said, that lovely sleeping sound.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks. What are we supposed to be doing?" I asked, and turned around to look at him.

Dang. He's adorable, which is not something the "straight" guy says. I've known about my at least bisexuality for a while, but I've never told anyone else. Except for the guy I dated last year. He knew, obviously. His name was Mikey, and I think he goes to this boarding school now.

"Getting our room assignments."

"Where is that? I heard Mrs. Krap."

"I"ll show you. My name's Patrick, by the way," he said, holding out a tiny hand for me to shake."I'm Pete."

~2 Hours Later~

Brendon's POV

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyybe," I muttered, as Gabe was walking very slowly. He and I met in elementary school, so we'd known each other for awhile, which was why I was super excited that my old roommate, Justin, was leaving, as he was a senior, and I could request Gabe as my roommate. It worked.

"Gabriella, I want to go in the room and you took both keys."

"That's not my fault,"

"Who took the keys?"

"Whatever, Urie, how about you go find out who our neighbor is. Maybe you know em."I scurried off to our room, which was right in between rooms 220 and 222. Gabe and I were bunking in 221. I decided to check 220 first, so I knocked on the door.

"Yes?" said a familiar voice, opening the door.

"Frohman!" I exclaimed. "Great to see you man!"

I didn't want Gabe to get pissed at me for being late, so I cut right to the chase. "Who's your roommate?"

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