A Day With Scömìche

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{Um...a little warning for this, but nothing serious☺️❤️}
Alex Pov:
"Allllllllexxx! Wake uppppp!" Kirstie whisper yelled in a sing-song voice, making me laugh though I just woke up and wasn't honestly ready to think or move yet.
I smiled and turned over to face her, seeing she was still in her bed clothes, an oversized t-shirt (more than likely Avi's) and a pair of shorts, it fit her perfectly. I thought she looked beyond cute. She returned my smile and pulled on my arm, eventually getting me out of my warm cocoon of happiness, aka my bed.
We made our way downstairs to see that Kirstie and Avi has cooked a HUGE breakfast, way more than I think the three of us could eat. But I didn't know, Avi can eat a lot, and Kirstie..I have no clue..but me, I didn't eat much. It was a bad "side effect" from so many people bullying me, but I had some faith I'm myself that I could get myself out of it.

"Morning, Alli." Avi smiled, and I ended up smiling back, a warmth spreading over me at hearing Savannah's nickname for me.

"Hey, Avi." I smiled, sitting across from him, shoveling a bite of food into my mouth. "Any plans for today?"

"Actually, Scott and Mitch texted me a few minutes ago and asked if you wanted to go have a day with them and their little girl, who I've been told knows you very well." Avi smiled softly.

"THEY ADOPTED SAVANNAH?! MY BEST FRIEND AND BASICALLY MY LITTLE SISTER FROM THE ORPHANAGE?!" I screamed, excitement rushing through my skinny but tall body.

"Yes, they did. I wanted to tell you earlier but they made me and Kirstie promise we wouldn't spill until we were told we could." Avi chuckled.
I bounced up and down and agreed to have the day with Scömìche and my little sister who's now the official "Scömìche baby". I was beyond my point of excitement, I was estattic. Not much was said between us as we ate, but excitement was hanging in the air, spreading from me to Avi and Kirstie; but one thing kept swirling in my mind since I seen them. Avi's cuts. It slithered its way into my dreams, making me dream that Avi had cut too deep too many times and died in various places, the bathtub, in his and Kirstie's bedroom, on the bed, with a note clutched in his right hand while the bed was covered in his dark red blood; I had also dreamed he had did it after a concert, escaping to the bathroom then Scott and Kirstie had found him in the nearest bathroom, covered in blood with the same note in his hand.
"Guys, I'm so sorry, but I can't do this anymore. I can't keep living like this, seeing the hate I get from showing the tiniest bit of my scars, seeing the shade I get from my dark background, I'm tired of all of this. Kirstie, if you find this and my more than likely dead body, I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart, and I'll always be watching over you and Alex. Go on with your life, have kids, tell them about me. And please take care of Alex, I know this will be more than hard on her, and I don't need to find out she came here with me. I hope the band can go on without me, I would hate to see you all stopped it because of my death; find a new bass, one that will do better than I could. I love you guys and I'll always be watching you from above.
~Avi "
I didn't realize I was crying in front of the mirror until I saw my tear stains cheeks. I quickly dried my tears and got ready, being told Scott and Mitch would be beer soon. But the though of Avi's lifeless body still swimmed in my thoughts, threatening more tears to spill from my eyes and ruin my makeup. I didn't need Avi and Kirstie to know that I has been crying, I didn't need them to worry about me, I didn't need them to ask why I was crying. I knew that if I told them that Avi would go to that lost, almost translucent shell of himself and Kirstie would be crying and trying to get Avi to come out of the bad mindset he went into because of me.

"Alex? You ready? Scott and Mitch are here." Avi said softly. I could tell he was very close to the door, I was scared to open the door because I may hit Avi in the face if I do.

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