Just Say Yes

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Avi Pov:
Well, Alex just told me she was going to Skype Crystal and ask her out. I'm honestly happy for her, she deserves it. She's fought so hard and so long, that she deserves something like this. I was trying to listen to the conversation that was going on in the other room, but all I heard was muffled words.

"What are you so concentrated on?" Kirstie asked me, giggling.

"I'm trying to see if the deal has been set with those two, if you know what I mean." Avi chuckled.

"Well, when you hear a scream or squeal; then you'll know Crystal said yes." Kirstie said plopping down on the couch next to me.
No later after Kirstie said that, I heard a scream come from the room that Alex was in. I chuckled then whispered to Kirstie. "I guess she said yes." She nods then giggles, which in turn made me do the same.
Alex came out an hour and a half later smiling like a fool. I already know what had happened, Crystal had said yes.

"Well what happened?" Kirstie asked with a smile.

"Crystal said yes." Alex said softly, smiling as tears came to her eyes.
Both Kirstie and I smiled, we were both happy something good like this happened to Alex. Alex flopped on the couch and started laughing; only then did I notice how deep her voice was. It was slightly deeper than mine, which was odd in and of itself alone. Not to add on the fact she's a female.  We spent a while just talking, but the subject kept drifting back to Crystal; it was adorable. Alex was talking about Crystal like I did, and still do, about Kirstie.

"I just...I just can't believe someone THAT gorgeous agreed to be my girlfriend..." Alex mumbled, staring up at the ceiling.

"I know how you feel I felt the same way when Kirstie and I started dating." I said softly, looking over at Kirstie, who was blushing and biting her bottom lip slightly.
I caught myself going into an old habit of mine of staring at Kirstie, without even knowing it. I never knew until one, someone knocked me out of my trance and told me I was staring; or Kirstie would get my attention and mumble "you're staring" softly. I would always feel embarrassed after I was caught/told. It would always happen, no matter how hard I tried.
We spent most of the day and the night talking about a bunch of things, from the past, the present, and what may happen in the future. Needless to say, it was a very deep conversation.
Alex yawned then curled up on her corner of the couch.

"Go to bed sweetheart." I said softly, because Kirstie was trying to fall asleep too.
Alex nods a little the shuffles up to her room. The last thing I heard from her was the soft *click* of her turning off her lamp that was on her dresser.  I sighed softly then carried Kirstie up to our room, being careful to not wake her up. I gently laid her down on the bed, then laid down myself; covering us up with the covers. Kirstie immediately snuggled up close to me, and laid her head on my chest, close to me heart. As she always does.
I laid there staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours, I couldn't see anything, it was dark, but I could map out where everything in the room was. I had memorized everything. I sighed then carefully rolled out of the bed. I went downstairs to see that one light was on, and it was coming from the living room/kitchen; I found Alex there with a cup of coffee or whatever it was.

"Why are you up?" I asked her, sitting down at the little island bar we had.

"I just can't sleep.." Alex mumbled.

"Insomnia?" I asked.
She shook her head yes.

"I know the feeling, I have that problem too." I said softly.
Alex sighs softly then looks down into the light brown colored liquid. I waited for her to say something, I wasn't going to rush or push her into saying anything she didn't want to.

"I just can't get Crystal out of my head, it's crazy, like no matter what I do to try to stop it for even a minute; somehow she sneaks into it." Alex mumbled.
I chuckled softly under my breath, it was like Kirstie and I's story was replaying again; and I found it so adorable, heartwarming, and emotional at the same time. It was bringing back so many memories. My eyes started watering at the thought alone.

"Why are your eyes watering?" Alex asked softly.

"I'm just thinking...you and Crystal are bringing back old memories for me." I whispered.

"Can you tell me them? Only if you want to." Alex said.

"Well...the day Kirstie and I got together, I was actually about to attempt suicide, I was just having a hard time with everything and I saw no more reasons to keep living. Then Kirstie was the only one besides Kevin who truly noticed my sadness, and Kirstie knew I liked her, I had admitted it a few days before. Things got awkward between us and I felt like I had done something wrong; but Kirstie proved me wrong on that. I was locked up in my room when I heard a knock,came then Kirstie's voice. I was about to seal the deal on my death, but I let her in and she stopped me. Then everything since then just leads up to where we are now." I said, tears coming to my eyes and a few falling as the memories came flooding back.
We spent a good hour talking before Alex started yawning again, so I sent her up to bed. But before her door shut, she whispered this.

"If you need someone else to talk to, I'm here for you Avi."

How did she know my old habits may be coming back?
{sorry the update took so long! with school starting back and everything I just haven't had the time}

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