I Think I'm Falling In Love...

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Avi Pov:
I continued to watch Alex while I finished eating. She looked so interested in her phone and the more I watched the more curious I got about what had grabbed her attention. I didn't want to be rude or nosey and ask her but my curiosity was starting to get the best of me. I finished eating and went to help Kirstie with cleaning up, but my attention wasn't on what it was supposed to, it was on the girl that was sitting on the couch almost glued to her phone.

"What's got your attention babe?" Kirstie asked me.

"Have you noticed that Alex has been stuck to her phone since she finished eating?" I said/asked her.

"Yes I have, but I've chosen to ignore it since she may not be in the best mental state." Kirstie said, going back to what she was doing.
Once we were done cleaning we went into the living room where Alex was and sat down on the other side of her, which was at her feet. She looked up at us for a moment then averted her eyes to her phone. I noticed the tension inside of her, I knew what it was about. She was scared we were going to ask her why she was acting different. But Kirstie and I agreed that we wouldn't push her into telling us anything, that we would wait until she was ready to share the information with us.

"Aren't you going to ask me a bunch of questions about why I'm acting odd?" Alex asked us in a small voice.

"No, we're not sweetie, we've agreed that we won't pressure you into telling us anything until you feel ready." I said with a small smile; Kirstie had the same one.

"Thank you so much..." Alex whispered.
We both told her "you're welcome" and then the house went into a comfortable silence. The only real sound that was coming from anywhere was from the tv, which wasn't getting much attention. Alex stayed on her phone most of the night besides getting up for something or looking up occasionally at the tv or Kirstie and I. Around 11 o'clock in the evening, I looked over and saw that Alex had fallen asleep with her earbuds still in her ears and her phone laying face down in the middle of her chest.
I unplugged her earbuds and gently took them out of her ears so I wouldn't wake her up. I picked up her phone and turned it over to turn it off, I didn't want to look at what was on the screen but I ended up doing it anyways, and what I saw shocked me a little.

Alex👽💜:"I'm about to pass out so night babe, I love youuu💗💗"

Crystal😍💗:"Okay, I love you too baby. Sweet dreams💕"
I can't believe it, Alex is in love. My little Alex is in love.. But..it's with a girl...I'm gonna have to figure this out. Soon. {don't kill me guys x~x} I shook the thousands of questions from my mind and carried Alex up to her room. I lagged her down on the bed, covered her up, and plugged her phone in the charger before walking back down the stairs. Kirstie quickly noticed I was back when she felt the couch depress under my weight and my arms wrapping around her small frame. She leaned back into my touch and sighed softly, closing her eyes.

"You want to go to bed, love?" I asked.
She shook her head and I picked her up and carried her up to our room. After a little while of being in a dreamless sleep, I started dreaming about Alex and the mystery girl named Crystal. She looked just like Mitch if he was a female, she was utterly gorgeous. I could see why Alex fell for her.
Most of my dreams involved the mini female Mitch Grassi, I didn't mind it but the more I had the more random they got.. It left me confused.

~~The Next Morning~~
I yawned and stretched out when I woke up, then I noticed that Kirstie wasn't in bed anymore. I sat up and looked around the room to see if she had just gotten up and moved out of my eyesight, but she was no where. So I got up and made my way down the stairs. I finally found her in the kitchen cooking breakfast, which smelled amazing. Alex was laying on the couch on her phone once again, probably talking to Crystal if she's even awake.
We ate in a comfortable silence, but I still had many questions I needed to ask. But I felt a little uneasy asking her them. The silence continued until Alex once again broke it.

"Something you want to ask me Avi?" She asked.

"Yes, I have a couple questions." I mumbled.
She looked at me like she was ready for what questions I was going to throw at her,
"Who's this girl you've been talking to? And I'm sorry for looking at your phone, it was still on when I picked it up last night." I said/asked.

"Her name is Crystal, and we've been talking for a couple months. And I really like her, but I don't know how to ask her to be mine... She lives a couple states away from us... I know it would be a little harder for us, but if know we can make it work. I really like her and it seems like she really likes me; so if it's true that love has no boundaries than we can work around this stupid distance." Alex mumbled.
I smiled but felt a little sad for the two. I have never been in a long distance relationship, but from what I've heard it can be really difficult. I hoped that this would work, because I knew that Alex needed a person romantically; I could see it inside of her. She needed a lover, and soon. I personally knew that feeling, I had felt it before Kirstie and I became a thing. We all stayed silent while we finished eating besides a few moments of small talk; but the silence was comfortable.
Alex was the first to finish eating and got up, walking out of the kitchen without saying a word. I had a feeling as to where she went, she went up to our music/gaming room. Well, it was basically the room that was mostly used for entertainment besides the living room. I normally found Alex in there if she wasn't in her room or on the couch beside Kirstie or myself. I stayed in the kitchen with Kirstie and helped her clean, then I went up to the music/gaming room to see if Alex had hid herself in there. And my guess was right, she was in there. She was sitting on the floor with one of my guitars, playing it without really thinking much about anything else.
I silently watched Alex play the guitar and sing random songs for about 45 minutes before she looked up and realized I had been watching her for a while. She started blushing deeply when she saw me and looked away, I didn't know why though. I enjoyed hearing her sing.

"H-How long were y-you in here?" Alex asked softly.

"About 45 minutes." I said.
Alex blushes again and looks down, knowing that I listened to her sing mindlessly for almost an hour. I had listened to her sing a few "love" songs, which I guess to her were meant for Crystal. Then the rest were a songs that had a mix of emotions, some anger, some sadness, some happiness, and some I couldn't even pinpoint an emotion that went with the song. I had heard most of the songs she's sang, I guess we listen to the same type of music, and was tempted to sing along with her. But I didn't want to give away hat I was in there, so I just sang along in my head.

"You know, maybe sometime you should sing one of those songs for Crystal." I said softly.

"Yeah, maybe I should." Alex said with a small smile.

I really hoped this worked out for them...


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