Bad Studio Day..

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{ only if you want. There's some stuff in this chapter that may not be suitable for some people.}
~about a week later~
Alex Pov:
I was so worried about Avi... He hasn't been the man I've known since I moved in with him, he seems to be going to the man he's hidden from the world..and it's terrifying.. Today we had to go to the studio to work on PTX Vol. 3 {I'm going back a little in time😊} and I was worried about how the others would act to Avi's sudden change, if they already hadn't took a hint by the comments on Avi's social media. The comments have been getting nasty about him and his past, like it's all been pulled back up again by someone. And I want to know who so I can get them to shut up and stop this mess! They don't have a clue how many nights I've spent laying awake in bed listening to Avi cry and ramble in the next room while Kirstie has tried to calm him down! They don't know how many nights I've been up all night this week because I can't get the sound of Avi's sobbing out of my mind! I just wish it would all go away.. Plus I've spent a couple nights up with Kirstie in the living room talking with her about how Avi's becoming distant and darker again. And I've had to hold her and let her sob on my shoulder a few times because this is all breaking her heart; she didn't want to go through another round of what's happened ten years ago when it began the first time, then came again a couple years later.
I looked at the studio building for the longest time before going in with Kirstie and Avi, which we had to almost pull Avi in. He kept saying he "Didn't feel like recording today." When just about a week ago he couldn't wait to go to hear me be recorded.

"Hey Avi!" Mitch chirped, half running half walking up to give Avi a hug.
Avi stiffened when Mitch wrapped his arms around Avi's waist, which made the brunette look up at him with confusion. I cringed slightly when Avi's darkened eyes looked down at Mitch with a half pained half blank look. And Mitch gave him a sad, worried look, his face looked like he knew why Avi was like he was today, but didn't say anything about it. The same looks came from Scott, Kevin, and everyone in the room who knew Avi, it was sad to see so many faces filled with sadness and concern for Avi. I knew all of them must have seen him like this before, and fear that it's happening again..but I have that feeling in the back of my mind that it really is going to happen..I don't have fear that it MAY happen I have the fear it's GOING to happen and we may lose him to his demons.

"We need to start recording, but I should probably go first since y'all just want me to record one song while y'all have MUCH more than I have to do.." I muttered, glancing inbetween all of them.
They all nodded and walked me to the recording room, where I found everything set up for me. I guess they must have told the staff here that they want me to record a song. I was a little nervous of recording myself. I hearing my own voice in the headphones then having all of Pentatonix hear me made my heart jump up to my throat. But I wasn't going to back out, not now when it was the absolute worst to do so.

"You guys ready?" I asked them.

"Yes!" They all said in unison.
I took a deep breath and began to sing the song that I specially chose to sing. It was more to Avi than anyone.

"I never meant to be the one, who kept you from the dark. But now I know my wounds are sewn, because of you who you are. I will take this burden on and become the holy one. But remember I am human, and I'm bound to sing this song. So hear my voice, remind you not to bleed; I'm here..
Saviour will be there, when you are feeling alone, oh. A savior, for all that you do! So you live freely without their harm. So here I write my lullaby, to all the lonely ones. Remember as you learn to try to be the one you love. So I can take this pen, and teach you how to live. But what is left unsaid; the greatest gift I give. So hear my voice, remind you not to bleed. I'm here..
Saviour will be there, when you are feeling alone, oh. A Saviour, for all that you do! So you live freely without their harm."
I looked over at the five people sitting outside the recording room when the violin solo hit, and I was shocked to see all of them teary eyed. Especially Avi, who was looking at me with pained eyes. He knew that I was singing this song for him, to let him know that I was here for him, that I knew what he's going through, that I could help him with this.

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