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The moment Max dies a part of Lucas's body is dying with her bc lucas loves Max sm that he wants to die with her just like Dustin and Steve. What you all should know is that there is and never will be an better couple than Lumax they are the reason why i love watching stranger thing if something happens
with Lumax im going to be depressed and wont be able to watch stranger things. I must say that when i was 8 years old and i watched stranger things for the first te i shipped Mike & Eleven harder then Lucas & Max but i think everybody had a phase that they shipped Mileven harder then Lumax i cant even remember why i lovdd Mildven that much bc if i can be honest i even ship Will and Mike harder then Mike& Eleven bc in season 4 the relationship between Eleven and Mike is not what it should be and Lumax is only getting better and better . Then we have Nancy and Steve: I don't know actually why they are not together and Nancy is with that nerdy kind of boy Jonathan bc she deserves so much better then Jonathan. She deserves an hot bababoy like Steve eho is also a genius.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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