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Eirene looked at Xena, who could barely even stand at the point. She couldn't imagine what Xena could possibly do in her current state. Meanwhile Dike and Eunomia have resumed their fight. Deciding that Eirene wasn't a threat. So they focused on each other, both figuring they could just finish her off afterwards. Along with Xena and Gabrielle.

So what do you say?

Eirene looked at the on going battle between her former group. She might not have known what Xena had planned, but she knew that Xena knew what she was doing.

Okay. I'll do it.

Good. Now let's get started. We don't have much time, I doubt they'll keep each other occupied for long and they'll turn their attention back on us soon.

What do you need me to do?

Can you heal injuries?

My own no. But I can restore you completely.

Do it.


Eirene put her hands on Xena and preceded to heal all of Xena's injuries. Gabrielle kept watch on the other goddesses as Eirene worked. Before long Xena was completely healed. All of her energy and strength was restored as well. It had been a while since Xena had felt this refreshed. Though she noticed that something felt different. Eirene could see the curious expression on Xena's face.

Don't worry, I merely gave you a small portion of my power. Temporarily of course. You won't have any actual powers, but you're already impressive abilities have been amplified. You're strength, agility, speed, senses are all increased. This should give you a much better chance at defeating Eunomia and Dike. But it won't last for long so we have to get started.


Xena began to turn to face the other goddesses.

Oh Eirene.


Thank you.

Eirene simply nodded in approval as she and Gabrielle stood beside Xena.

Gabrielle, I'm afraid you're not going to be able to do much right now.

Yeah, yeah I'll go get behind cover. Just be careful Xena. Remember you might have some more power, but you're still mortal.

I know.

Gabrielle went and ducked behind some fallen pillars and watched everything play out from there. And so Xena and Eirene prepared to fight Dike and Eunomia.


The two goddesses paused their battle and looked at Xena.

Now don't go leaving us out of all the fun.

Silence, we said you'd be delt with shortly.

Using her powers, Eunomia threw large piece of a broken statue at Xena. Xena didn't move. Instead she held out her hand and caught it with ease. Leaving both Eunomia and Dike stunned.


Dispite knowing that she had amplified abilities right now, even Xena was a little surprised at just how much more powerful she was. But she didn't have time to be impressed. She only had a short time to with this power and there was no time to waste. Xena dropped the debris and lept over to Dike and Eunomia, landing between them.

I think it's time to end this.

Before either of the Goddesses could respond, Xena quickly jumped up and kicked both of them, sending them flying back. They crashed to the ground.

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