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Gabrielle stood back in the normal world. She turned to Eirene who hadn't left yet. Gabrielle asked her why she brought her back. The goddess told Gabrielle about the deal she made with Xena.

No, take me back.

You want to go back in there?

No, but I do wanna be wherever Xena is.

You do realize that you don't actually belong there.

I belong with Xena. And I don't care where that might put me.

You should know that you being sent there with Xena wasn't my choice. I was out voted.

I don't care. Either bring Xena here, or take me back to her.

Eirene got an irritated look on her face.

What is it with the two of you thinking that you can just talk to God's like this?

Gabrielle took a moment to calm herself. She knew that she needed to choose her words more carefully. The last thing she wanted to do right now was some how insult or offend Eirene. The goddess was her only hope of getting back to Xena.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that Xena means the world to me, and the thought of her spending the rest of her life stuck in that place all by herself. I just can't let that happen to her. I know you don't believe me, but Xena doesn't deserve that.

Do you know all that she has done? If anyone deserves such a punishment, it's her.

I'm very aware of Xena's past. But since I've known her, she's been doing as much as she can to try to make up for it. That has to count for something.

While that is admirable,  it doesn't erase what she's done.

So what you're saying is that no matter how much a person changes for the better they should still be condemned for their past mistakes?

If they've done the sorts of things that Xena has, yes.

That's wrong. Then there would be no point in anyone striving to become better.  People shouldn't solely be judged on the mistakes they've made. Especially if they've proven time and time again that they're not that person anymore. And Xena isn't still the person you Horae think she is. I mean if she was, why would she have asked you to let me out of that place while she stayed?

That was truly a beautiful and impassioned speech. You clearly think quite highly of Xena, don't you?

If you had actually been paying attention to everything she's been doing you'd understand why. Please I can't stand the thought of Xena being punished like this. And never being able to see her again, it's too much. Please don't make Xena do this, I love her.

Eirene was touched by Gabrielle's words. But as the goddess of peace and one of the Horae, she felt as though she had a duty to fulfill.

I'm sorry. I truly am. But it's my job to punish those who have gone against peace. The same goes for Eunomia and Dike. Peace, justice and good order must be preserved. You should consider yourself fortunate that I even let you free. The other's won't be pleased with that, but as I said I don't believe that you should've been sent to the Abyss to begin with.

Let me talk to the other Horae, please. There must be some way Xena can return and still satisfyyour need to punish her.

No we discussed her punishment before we even revealed ourselves to you.


Eirene was losing patience with Gabrielle's persistence. Her voice boomed and echoed as she stated that the Horae's judgment on Xena was final.

Silence! What's done is done. Xena will stay where she is and suffer the consequences of her actions. We, the Horae have spoken!

With that Eirene raised her hand and vanished. Gabrielle just stood there on the road by herself.

(thinking to herself) No. I can't just leave Xena in that awful place. I don't know how, but I'll find a way to free Xena.

Gabrielle looked up into the sky.

I'll wait for you Xena. I know you told the Horae you'd willingly stay there, but I know you. And I knew you'll find your way back. You have to.

Meanwhile Xena was still sitting in the same place she was before Eirene left with Gabrielle.

(sighs) Well now what do I do?

Xena idlely looked off into the distance. She saw the tower that she and Gabrielle were heading for. She wondered if she should still even try to reach the exit.

I wonder if due to the deal, they closed the portal out of here. I could go just to check.

Xena stood up.

Either way it beats just sitting here.

Xena looked up into the sky as she thought about Gabrielle.

Stay safe Gabrielle. Hopefully I can make it to that exit and it still works. I'll escape from here. I just need you to trust me. Just wait for me,

And so Xena set out on her own to reach the tower. Dispite what she told Eirene, Xena hadn't given up on escaping. Now with Gabrielle safe, Xena could put all her focus on what it was going to take to get out. It wasn't going to be easy. But Xena was ready to face the full extent of what this place had in store for her. She was fully prepared to fight her way out of the Abyss or die trying.


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