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Ant and Velvet were at the park, playing around like little kids. They just got done eating lunch, and they didn't wanna go home yet because they knew they would just sit on the couch and watch TV.

They were on the swings, seeing who could go higher. They were both laughing and having fun with each other. In all honesty, Velvet was just thinking of Ant. Velvet wasn't paying attention to his happiness, but he was paying attention to how happy Ant was. He smiled at the look of Ant laughing and smiling, looking so happy.

"Nice balls.", Velvet said, laughing. Ant looked at him, mildly confused, mildly angry. "Eyeballs! Get your mind out of the gutter, Cutie!", Velvet replied to Ant's look on his face. "Says you, fucking horny ass.", Ant said, rolling his eyes.

Velvet looked at Ant's beautiful face, shining in the sunlight. "I'm sorry, did I upset you?", Velvet asked, slightly worried that upset his lover. Ant laughed, shaking his head. "Of course not, My Love.", both of them laughing.

It soon started to get cloudy, the clouds getting darker. It didn't bother the two boys, they were too distracted by the love of each other. Velvet and Ant were off the swings, Velvet leaning on a pole connected to the basketball hoop. Ant was in front of him, laying back, having Velvets arms wrapped around him. It was comforting for the two. They were just wrapped in each other's love.

Rain slowly started to fall, the slight splashing sounds to be heard by the boys. They both slowly opened their eyes, seeing the water droplets stains to the ground. Ant looked back at Velvet, Velvets hair flopping down into his face from being wet.

Ant laughed at Velvet, making Velvet slightly mad. "Shut up you furry!", Velvet said, angry. Ant couldn't talk, laughing too much, so he shook his head. Velvet got even more mad, grabbing Ant's face, pulling him in closer, kissing him.

Ant froze for a second, shock coming over him for a split second before accepting the kiss, melting into Velvet's touch. The feeling of Velvet running his hands over Ant's body made him feel so loved. Anywhere Velvet's hands when on his body, he loved it, especially when it was his neck, face, or waist. Those were probably his favorite spots.

Although, Ant wasn't the biggest sex fan, he could accept it at times. He wasn't one to be turned on by the slightest bit of touch on the body, and he never wanted to be in a relationship full of sex. The same went with Velvet. The only times they would even think about doing that stuff, is special events or occasions.

But moving on from that-

The rain didn't stop, and wasn't supposed for the rest of the night. The water from the sky didn't come down harder or anything, it was just small rain droplets, covering over the two lovers on the basketball court. They didn't want to separate, but knew they both needed air.

After a couple second of getting air, they looked at each other again, going into a passionate kiss once again. The both of them never wanted it to end. It made both of them feel so comfortable. They knew, once again, they would have to at some point.

After a minute or two, an idea popped into Velvets head. "Hey Cutie?", Velvet asked. "What's up Love?", Ant replied, smiling.

Velvet stood up, grabbing Ant's hand, pulling him up to his feet. He bowed down, "May I have a dance, Chocolate Cupcake?", Velvet asked, having the biggest smile on his face. Ant smiled bigger, grabbing his hand.

They started dancing together, blocking everything else out of their minds. All they had was each other, thinking about how happy they were.

Velvet pulled Ant close, kissing him one last time, before going back to dancing for the rest of the day.

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