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Ant was usually close to Velvet at all times. He hates being away from his lover, scared that he would lose him if he did keep his distance.

It didn't bother Velvet, he actually liked it. He loved the feeling of his lover being close to him. The warmth and love of his beautiful boyfriend was the best thing he had. If Velvet was being honest, everything about Ant, was the best thing in this world.

Speaking of being together, Ant and Velvet were on their shared bed, under the covers, sleeping peacefully. Velvet was laying on the right side, Ant was on the left. Ant has his arm over to Velvet's chest, resting there gently.

Ant then, started to shake slightly, his arm twitching every couple seconds. Quick pants and shaky breathes were let out, followed by mumbles and whines. The twitching got worse by the second, tears started flowing down Ant's face, tears staining his face.

"P-Please..I'm sorry..stop..", Ant mumbled, loud enough to be heard as a small whisper. You could probably hear the sobs of the boy, shaking while his voice quivers.

The boy shoots up from the bed, breathing heavily, tears all over his face, tears stained into his face, and was shaking badly. " no, I'll do better..please..", Ant whispers, still thinking into the dream.

Velvet felt the bed move, before hearing quick breathing, and what sounded like crying. He turned to the side, to see his beautiful boyfriend having his head into his knees, crying.

Velvet immediately got up, wrapping his arms around the shaky boy, holding Ant's head into his chest. He could hear his boyfriends sobs, making his heart melt in guilt and sadness.

"Shh. It's okay, Cutie's here..", Velvet said, almost being a whisper. Ant's sobs slowly turned into small sniffles, still sometimes being a sob. Ant's breath was shaky, his body was shaking, his hands were wrapped around Velvet's body.

Velvet could feel the front of his hoodie was wet from the tears, but he didn't care. "Shh, I got you Baby. No one can hurt you anymore.", Velvet whispered into Ant's ear, smiling slightly.

Ant couldn't really see Velvet, knowing his glasses were on the nightstand, but he could definitely tell it was his loving boyfriend. No one could have a more calming voice, soothing scent, and the most warmth, than Velvet.

Ant still had tears running down his face, still having his face into his lovers chest. "Baby? Do you wanna take a bath?", Velvet asked calmly, not to scare his quiet lover.

He felt Ant nod, quietly groaning from exhaustion. Velvet chuckled, picking up his love, bringing him to the bathroom, and setting him on the sink.

He started the water, putting it to the temperature he knew Ant loved most. He then grabbed some toilet paper and wiped Ant's tears away. He slowly put his hand on Ant's cheek, holding his lover's face, kissing it over and over again.

Ant giggled, quickly turning, and kissing Velvet on the lips. Velvet stood frozen for a second, before going back into reality, kissing his lover.

It was slow and full of passion, love, and care. They both smiled into the kiss, before splitting apart. Velvet looked at the bath tub, seeing it was about a good amount of full. He grabbed the knob, turning the water off.

Velvet looked back at Ant. "You're gonna need to talk your clothes off. Do you want me to turn away or are you comfortable with me being able to see?" Ant giggled, grabbing Velvet's sleeve, and pulling him in close.

He went to Velvet's ear and whispered, "I don't mind you looking at me, especially when it's taking clothes off.." Velvet blushed a bright shade of red, covering his face. "You bitch! You're taking my job!", Velvet cursed out. Ant laughed again, quickly taking his clothes off, getting into the tub.

Velvet did the same, taking his clothes off, and sitting behind his lover. He rubbed circles into Ant's back, slowly starting to draw little sketches.

Ant leaned back, his head landing on the upper left part of Velvet's chest. Velvet looked down at his lover, kissing his head, whispering in his ear sweet things.

He would say things like: "You're so beautiful." or "I love you so much." It was sweet and wholesome, the two never wanted it to end. They just laid there, soaking in the water, kissing each other every once in a while.

"We need to get out Baby", Velvet said to the sleepy boy on his chest. Ant groaned in response, leaning up. Velvet got up and out of the tub, drying himself off before getting his love out, drying him off, and wrapping him in the towel.

Velvet held onto Ant, leading him to their shared bedroom. He sat Ant down on the bed, and looked in their closet. "What do you want to wear Cutie?", Velvet asked the sleepy boy. "I want your clothes please..", Ant replied, wrapping himself more in the towel.

Velvet got a T-Shirt and boxers, unwrapped Ant, and dressed him. He gave Ant a kiss on the head before leaning his lover back onto the bed, tucking him in with a soft blanket.

Velvet then went to his side, getting in the bed. He looked at the time. The brightness of his phone read, 2:37 A.M. He sighed, and put his phone away. He then grabbed Ant, slowly and carefully pulling him into a hug.

They both feel asleep cuddled in each other's arms.

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