Chapter 8 - Graduation

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I texted Jacob early in the morning I texted him to come over and he responded "otw" five minutes later the doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to open the door.
"Morning!!" Jacob said as he hugged me
"Good morning" I said hugging him back
"Are you excited for graduation?" He asked
"Yes!!" I said

(Btw Jacob is 18 and yn is 17)
1 1/2 hours go by
"C'mon Jacob we gotta gooo!!" I said
"I'm coming I'm coming!!" He said running towards the door then opened it for me
"Why thank you kind sir" I said
"Your welcome malady" he said as we walked to his car

As we drove to school and Jacob parked he came and opened the door for me
"Thank you" I said
"Your welcome" he said
I then held his hand as we walked into the school as we went into our fist period class the teacher was passing out our gowns the colors were red and black they also gave up the caps. The teacher gave me a red and Jacob a black. At 1:00 they started calling down classes to take pictures luckily me and Jacob were in the same class.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen" the photographer said
Jacob was behind me but me and him had a plan for the picture
"3...2...1!!!!" The photographer said
I looked up and Jacob kissed me then I pulled away fast before anyone saw
"Good good" the photographer said "now if we have any couples that want pictures for themselves come over here"
Me and Jacob went up there along with 3 other couples
"Okay you two!!" He said and pointed at me and Jacob
"Alrightyy what do you guys want to do?"
"Umm I'll just kiss her" Jacob said
"Okay then" he said
"3...2...1!!!" He said
Jacob pulled me in then pulled away
"Did it come out good?" I asked
"Amazing it's printing out right now" he said
A minute later he handed us the photos
"Thanks man" Jacob said
"Thank you" I said
"Okay students if you have take your picture go to the gym!!"
Me and Jacob began to go to the gym there were seats in it so we decided to sit next to each other around 10 minutes later the gym was crammed then they sat calling names
"YN AKERS!!" The principal said
"WHOO" I heard a bunch of people say
More and more names got called
"JACOB DAY!!!" The principal said
Jacob went up there and shook his and came back by me around an hour went by and then they we're finally done then the principal said "TO THE CLASS OR 23'!!!"
"FINALLY!!" Someone yelled
"WHOOO" other people yelled
Then the principal began to do a count down "3...2...1...!!!!!"
Everyone threw up there caps and as me and Jacob did he pulled me in for a kiss then let go so we could get our caps we got to leave school early that day and decided to go to Andy's frozen custard and talked for and hour or two then Jacob drove me home

"Bye jacob" I said as I kissed his cheek
"Bye yn" he said as he began to drive off

I went into my house and my mom was there she said
"Oh my baby!!" She began to cry
"Mom it's fine" I said hugging her
"No now your all grown up!!" She said
"Mom I'll always be your baby" I said crying a bit
"Okay we'll why don't you go get ready we're going by the days house" she said
"Okay" I said running to my room
I put on gray sweats and a gray shirt then put on my Jordan's and put my hair in a bun
"Mom!! I'm ready!!" I said running downstairs
"Okay then let's go...umm yn do you want to walk?" She asked
"Yeah sure" I said as we walked out the door
There was silence for 2 minutes then my mom asked
"Are you dating Jacob?"
"Mo-" I said but she cut me off
"I won't be mad I just want to know" she said
"Fine yes we're dating" I said
"I knew it!!" She said laughing
"Haha very funny" I said as we arrived to there house

I knocked on the door and Jacob answered "hello ms.Akers and yn"
"Jacob cut the act I know you and yn are dating" my mom said
"O-ok" he said he looked white as a ghost

Jacobs mom greeted us as we began to sit down at the table to eat.
"So how does it feel to be done with high school jacob and yn?" Jacobs mom said
"Good but a bit weird" I said
"Amazinggg" Jacob said

When we finished eating we watched a movie by this time it was 8:31pm and I was exhausted I put the couch in recliner mode then closed my eyes and fell asleep. When I woke up later I noticed I was in jacobs bed I was completely confused I turned to my side and saw Jacob sleeping. I decided to go back to sleep I wrapped my arm around jacob.

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