Chapter One: A Broken Wing

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The sun had just barely risen on Karmostran city, a large civilization centered deep into a savannah wilderness. Yet, the market was already crawling with tourists, and shoppers alike, browsing jewelry, and fresh produce. A muscular woman in tribal attire walked through the market. She had a spear strapped to her back, which was glossy, and black, much like the armored plating on her chest. She wore fishnet on her exposed dark skin, covering her stomach, arms, and legs. Around her hips, a blackish blue fur wrapped, forming a skirt of sorts. Her hair was dark blue, braided into dreadlocks on one side, while the other was long and luscious. She was eating an apple, taking several bites before turning to walk into an alleyway. It was dark, dingy and littered with trash, but amongst the filth she saw a figure wearing a dark, dirty outfit. They were sitting on the ground, their back against the wall. She approached slowly, tilting her head. They turned, looking at her from their position amongst the filth. Their eyes met. The figure had rose red eyes, which glowed from under the hood, and stared sharply into her own neon spring green eyes. She slowly walked down the alleyway, tilting her head. The figure was shady, but they didn't protest to her presence. They seemed to be sizing her up. She didn't have much coin on her, and the figure doubted that they would do well to mug her. She sat right next to them, and they shuffled, scooting away quietly. She got even closer, until her leg was touching theirs. She leaned down and tilted her head, gazing under the hood. She saw the face of a young man, and her eyes lit up. He tried to turn away, but she lowered his hood, and tilted her head to look into his eyes. The two stared at each other for a moment. She admired his features, and he admired hers. He noted how beautiful she was, her dark blue hair, spring green eyes, and dark skin. He noted how pillowy her lips were, as they spread into a great big smile. She began tilting his head in different angles, studying his pale skin, and his messily cut short white hair. He was the spitting image of S'to Gl'ssvail, an old Y'utcha of legend, who fell in love with a knight, and died protecting his tribe and his daughters.

"You look just like an old Y'utcha legend! He had white hair, pale skin, and red eyes too!"

"Sure, cool, now cut it out before ya' break my neck."

She stopped, and reached into her knapsack, pulling out an apple. She reached out, ready to hand it to him. He eyed it for a second, suspicious of the kindness she was displaying. He was tolerating her presence for now, but if she tried something, he wouldn't be very tolerant afterwards. He slowly took hold of the apple, rolling it around in his palm. He'd first sample it, to make sure it wasn't poisoned. He bit into the apple, and his eyes flickered for just a moment. The taste was sweeter than usual. He'd eaten many apples before, more often than not they were rotten, but even the ones he stole hadn't tasted so heavenly. He started eating around at the flesh of the fruit, before dropping the core into his mouth. After a few minutes of chewing, he spat the seeds out onto the ground, one by one. The woman was amazed, watching each seed clatter against the ground. She gave a soft chuckle, and handed him another apple. Did she see him as some circus freak? Some no life gutter rat, who only existed for her amusement? He felt a sting in his lip as he bit into it softly, normally a man's pride would stop him from accepting the apple, but he really was a gutter rat, and he was starving. She watched as he took hold of the apple, eating it in the same fashion. He looked so young, much younger than her. In truth he was only 18 years of age. Last week would've been his birthday, but he lost track of the days long ago. Once he had finished eating, the woman took hold of his chin, opening his mouth. Her fascination with his anatomy kept growing as she saw his teeth. They were sharp, like a shark's, but they were shiny. They almost looked like glass.

"What are you doing?"

He said in mild annoyance.

"Your teeth! They're so pretty. Sharp as obsidian, but glossy as pearls."

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