Chapter Three: Bird of Prey

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Nicolas was standing at the front desk, infront of him was a rather bulky woman wearing a dress, the sleeves being torn off at the shoulders to expose her muscular arms. She had short, and spikey steel gray hair, tan skin, and yellow eyes. She spoke to Nicolas, repeating the question she had just asked him.

"Nickname, please?"

She said in a patient tone. He was lost in thought. Back in the slums, he was a nobody, although the people he'd mugged had spread the rumor of "The Glass Man". He didn't really take to it, there were no need for nicknames in the streets. He wasn't even sure he wanted to use a nickname, but apparently it was somewhat mandatory to have a second alias on your guild card. D'valla had told him it was purely for fun, and served as a good way to build stories of your hunts. Hers was "U'n St'gan" which apparently ment "Net Caster" in her native tongue. She had told him that it was also the tribal name of a legendary Y'utcha hunter, the one she mentioned when they met. He figured a cool nickname wouldn't hurt, but he was struggling with what he wanted to use. He thought about using "Sinner" but that nickname was already taken. Then, it clicked. He remembered his ideology, what he was. He was a free spirit, a bird, who fought against the gravity of the world. He was also to be a hunter. It stood to reason that would make him a "Bird of Prey". He looked at the woman, and nodded in reassurance.

"Bird of Prey."

He said in a determined tone. The woman nodded, and pulled out a card made of bronze, before taking out what looked like a small pick. She angled it on the card, and grabbed a hammer, beginning to pound lines into the card. After several minutes, she took the card, and slid it over to him. He took it hesitantly, before beginning to run his finger along the embossing. "Bird of Prey, rank 10: Spider". He stared at it, then shrugged. This was his life now. He felt a hard thud against his back, and stumbled forward, looking behind to see D'valla, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"I chose a hunt for us!"

She said in delight. She handed him a sheet of paper, and he took hold of it. He studied the contents of the letter. "Over abundance of wolves in the Steleco mountain range. 5 silver pieces per adult wolf, 50 silver piece total reward. Reward to be collected at Azgulch Hunting Guild". Steleco mountain range? That was in Northwind, an arctic landmass over seas.

"I... don't have a winter outfit."

He said hesitantly, but D'valla took his hand, leading him towards the door while speaking in a cheerful tone.

"We'll go get you some right now!"

Within an hour, they were standing outside of a two story feudal style building. It was actually quite beautiful. It looked like someone's home. D'valla brought him inside, and they were met by a young woman standing behind a counter. She had pinkish pale skin, silver eyes, short blackish brown hair, and wore a floral kimono. Her lower half was hidden behind the dark wood desk. She smiled sweetly at them and waved her hand.

"Welcome to our silkshop. My name is Yua, how may I help you?"

She asked in a gentle tone. Her voice was so sweet, and so well mannered, it was reminiscant of a sugary tea. D'valla happily chimed in her response.

"We're looking to have some winter clothes made for Nicolas!"

The girl nodded her head and smiled.

"I see, wait just one moment, my mother will be right with you."

She said assuringly, and to Nicolas's surprise, she slowly stood up. Nicolas was shocked to see that her torso was afixed to the body of a golden spider with black stripes. He watched as her spider legs clung to the wall, and climbed into the ceiling. This woman was a spiderkin. They were a rare species native to the feudal country of Numashi. That explained all of Numasian architecture. He didn't know much about spiderkin, but he knew each of them were over a hundred years old. However, she said she had a mother? As he was pondering this, he saw black, slender spider legs appear from the shadows of the ceiling entrence. He watched as a beautiful woman crawled down from the entrance. She had long black hair, pale skin, and venomous yellow eyes. She wore a blackish purple kimono, her lower spiderkin body had slender black legs. Her cephalothorax, and abdomen round, and somewhat plump, like an orb weaver. She smiled at D'valla, her painted red lips curling into a smile as she seemed to recognize her, but her eyes soon flickered to him, and he saw her expression change entirely. She crawled towards them, and bowed slightly, her front legs curling a tad.

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