Chapter Two: A New Home

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Nicolas, and D'valla made their way south. One night of rest, and a half a day's journey, they arrived at a large seaside town with a port. This was the town of Tortanapur. Nicolas had heard of it before, but never visited. He was amazed that she managed to carry that lion all the way here. She used her free arm, and took his hand, leading him through the busy streets. Oddly enough, people were still staring, but now they weren't looking down on him. They seemed more surprised than anything, but he figured it was because D'valla was carrying a lion. However, when he overheard someone whispering "Who is that with D'valla?" He realized they were curious as to why D'valla had brought an outsider. He was so focused on their attention, that he didn't notice D'valla bringing him up to a large building. It was a bit roundish, 5 stories tall, with split buckler shields as window shutters. It housed the skull of a giant sea serpent around the large red double door. When it finally caught his attention, he stared at it in wonder. D'valla let go of his hand, and dropped the lion on top of him.

"Hold this for me please."

She said in a polite, but jovial manner. He crumpled under the large cat. He had no idea how she had carried it for going on two days. She pressed her hands against the doors, and opened them with a loud creak. He heard the sound of cheers and partying from inside. D'valla grabbed hold of the lion, and walked into the building. When he followed, he saw a large number of inhabitants drinking, eating, and merrymaking. She lifted her arm, and roared out in laughter as they all welcomed her, and congratulated her on the catch. He dusted himself off, and walked in, several of the members welcoming him from their seats. That was a new experience. He walked with D'valla, and looked at all of the new faces. They were a combination of many races, and species. He was nearly overwhelmed, unable to feel the wriggling tendril that wrapped around his leg, until he was scooped away by an unseen force. He yelled out in surprise as he felt the coils of a large snake wrap around him snuggly. It was revealed to him, that what he had been caught by was a Lamia. Her lower snake half was a grayish brown, with gray and black diamond designs tracing the spine. The underbelly was a pale, sandy color. He heard the sound of a rattle as he looked at the top half, a tan woman with dark gray hair, wearing desert style cloth shirt with a cloak and cowl. He saw amusement in her eyes as she stared at her fresh catch. Her hazelnut painted fingernail tugged her cowl downwards, exposing the face of a regular woman, with a noticeable yet faint line curvimg from her lips to her cheeks. Her forked tongue flickered in his face as she gave an amused chuckle.

"Look at what D'valla brought in, a little rat. How adorable, she has a pet."

She hissed out audibly. He struggled in her coils, and groaned in annoyance. He looked her dead in her steely gray eyes.

"I'm nobody's pet, and I'm not a little rat. I'm a bird, a free bird."

He sneered. She gave out low chuckles as she spun him slowly, observing his figure, and the way he struggled.

"How cute. You have a name, little bird?"

She asked, her voice rumbling in a low teasing manner. She ran her fingers through his messily cut white hair. He shook his head in response and huffed.

"What's it to ya'? Let me go."

He replied in a low growl, still struggling to free himself. She slithered around him, and cupped his chin, her nail tracing along his jaw.

"I'd like to know the name of my prey, before I devour them."

He watched her open her mouth, her canines growing into large fangs as her cheeks split open to widen her mouth. She leaned in, aiming towards his neck. He finally had enough. He sprouted glass needles all across his body, forcing the lamia to hiss out loudly, and uncoil from him. He dropped, and intook as much oxygen as he could. He began dusting himself off, retracting his needles as he stood slowly. One of the men at the bar laughed after watching the whole event transpire.

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