Chapter Five: A Star Filled Night

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The night was cold, a purple sky dotted with speckled white loomed overhead. A joyous ruckus would fill the hall of the Azgulch hunter's guild. D'valla was arm wrestling with a large man, their muscles bulging as she slowly brought his hand down, finishing it with a loud thud. The watchers cheered, and raised their tankerds. D'valla took hold of hers, lifted it into the air, and the mass began to drink. Afterwards, she would wipe the rum from her mouth, and look around at all of the happy faces. However, she seemed like they were missing someone. She got up, and began walking through the guild. She was looking for someone in particular. She walked outside, and looked around. It wasn't until she looked up, that she saw who she was looking for. She walked back inside, up the stairs, and out onto the balcony. There she saw him. The pale little street punk, Nicolas Beaumont. She witnessed his messy white hair blow in the breeze, his winter jacket swaying with the wind. She moved to the side, staring at him. He was looking off into the distance. He looked rather handsome, even with a messy head of hair. She watched him notice her. Their eyes locked for a second. She found his rose red eyes rather beautiful. He quickly looked away, turning his eyes towards the sky. She walked next to him, and leaned against the railing in a similar fashion to him. The night sky looked stunning, but what fascinated the both of them, was the northern lights. The stunning green, and blue waves dancing in the sky amazed Nicolas. D'valla smiled, and spoke to him without turning her head.

"My mother always told me stories about how she, and my father met at the Sh'wpeirqa tribe not far from here. She won him over, and they shared their passion underneath the lights."

She said in a soft, and soothing voice.

"My father met my mother in a brothel. The second he heard my mother was pregnant, he split town, making me a bastard. Not sure why my mother kept me, especially if she was gonna scram when I was just nine years old."

He said quietly. He wasn't melancholic, though. He knew life was cruel, it had an ocean of sins, that it used to sweep away the weak. He was determined to be strong, much stronger than life. He'd throw his sins right back at the world, and see who came out on top. D'valla turned her gaze to him, and slid her hand against his arm.

"L'hekta, I'm sorry to hear that. Nature is often cruel, but I'm impressed by how far you've come. You are very strong."

She said soothingly. He smiled, and nodded his head.

"Yeah. I'm strong. I'm stronger than life. There's nothing in my way, I can do anything."

He said confidently. D'valla laughed, and pat his back roughly.

"That's the spirit! You'll make a great hunter!"

She cheered happily. He turned his head to look at her, and watched her tuck her hair behind her ear. She gazed into his eyes for a moment, before he quickly looked away, back towards the sky. He heard a soft giggle from the woman next to him. She slid her hand up his arm, and whispered to him softly.

"How does it feel, to get off of the streets, and experience the beauty of the world?"

She said quietly. He flicked his eyes to her, and then returned them to the lights.

"Not much has changed. You do what you can to survive. Only difference, I'm not fighting people anymore. It feels good though, getting to spread my wings, and fly from my cage."

He said nonchalantly. She nodded, and looked onward, before turning her head to look at his hands.

"So, that ice magic. What did it feel like to use it? Can I see it?"

She asked. He leaned back from the railing, and looked at his hands. He held his palm out, and closed his eyes. He imagined a block of ice in his palm. D'valla watched his fingers twitch, sheets of frost crawling down his finger tips. She smelled fresh mint. Nicolas felt his lungs freezing. He exhaled, and an ice cube slowly grew from his palm. D'valla gave a soft gasp. Nicolas started to cough, his whole throat felt like it was being dry frozen. He dropped the cube, gripped the railing, and began coughing up frost. D'valla ran her hand up his chest, patting his back.

"Don't push yourself. You should hold off on using that magic, until we're out of this cold."

She said frantically. He nodded. It was difficult to cast even a small spell. He breathed out heavily, and felt the woman take his hand.

"We'll get you on the next ship out of here. Some place warm. Where would you like to go?"

She questioned. He shook his head. He didn't know where he wanted to go, nor did he care. He watched D'valla rub her cheek for a moment, then smiled. She took hold of his hand, and led him back into the guild. He followed behind quickly, struggling not to get dragged. He felt her grip tighten as she dragged him through a crowd in the guild. She looked at a quest board, and ripped something from the "exotic" section. She looked at him.

"I know just where to take you. We gotta get going now, though, before the ship leaves!"

She said cheerfully. They were passing dozens of people, but all he could focus on was her. The way she smiled, the spring green makeup outlining her eyes, which were a similar color. He was mesmerized. She brought him back out into the cold, and began running down the street, practically dragging him behind her. He didn't know where she was taking him, but he wanted to follow. The silhouettes of the two contrasted wonderfully under the illuminating waves of colorful light in the sky. He turned his head to see dozens of people stop to watch them go. A smile creaked onto his lips. This was like a dream. Even though the cold snow reached his glassy bones, he felt a warmth in his soul. He felt like a child, running off to play. It was a new feeling. He turned his head back to see the side of the woman's face. She was so beautiful. He saw her eye turn to the side, staring at him, before smiling wider. Her hair, the luscious long half, and the dreadlocks both blew in the icy wind. He felt his heart skip a beat. It scared him for a moment. They quickly ran across the docks, before thumping up a ramp, and onto a larger cargo ship. He stopped to catch his breath. Normally he could run for longer, but the arctic air, and the ice magic drawback was combining to create a problem for his lungs. She gazed at him, and smiled, before laughing softly, and rubbing his back.

"We made it!"

She cheered. He knelt for a minute, coughing up frost as he rubbed his throat. He stared at her gleeful expression, before smiling a little himself, and chuckling quietly.

"Ah hah. Yeah, we did. Where is this ship going?"

He asked. Her beautiful, pillowy lips curled into a heavy smile. He felt a heat rising into his face.

"It's a surprise!"

She said cheerfully. He shrugged softly, and looked at the sea, as the cold waves began to smash against the ship's hull. He didn't know where D'valla was taking him, but he didn't really care. Part of him wanted to go wherever she went. He wasn't nervous, or scared. He was excited. His life was different now. He didn't feel in control of it, but that didn't matter. After all, was there really anyone who was truly in control of their life? He just knew that whatever was in store for him, he wanted D'valla to be there, too. As long as they were together, they could take on the world. He was ready to face whatever life had in store for him. He leaned against the railing, staring on at the coast, as it slowly drifted away. D'valla leaned next to him, her rear pressed against the railing, her head turned back, as her hair blew in the wind. Life was hard, especially for him, but it seemed like he didn't have to fight alone, not anymore. He looked up into the night, staring up at the northern lights that danced in the glassy sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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