SS: A Forever Goodbye? (P-5)

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A/N : Plz don't skip the song lines that's been applied here for this particular plot. The main plot.

If you haven't heard the song "Alvida" from D-Day, for this particular part, kindly listen just the first stanza for this particular part.


Bondita would had been at her end of her tether, until...

"Bondita" Pratham called her standing at the entrance of his newly established... office maybe? She wasn't sure neither she was bothered.

The next day when he came with Binoy at Roy Choudhury mansion, after getting some works done with him, she talked with him more comfortably than the previous day, as he made her feel so.

Again next day, conversation became friendly. Gradually she started opening up more. She felt some weight that her Pati Babu's presence has been giving, reduced after talking to him. Slowly she was getting back to her own chirpy self while talking to him.

But the one thing that was bothering her was her Pati Babu's changed behavior, and her missing classes. Yes, another few days has passed since she went to school.

She has started sharing all these things to her newly befriended person, Pratham. It has became a routine that atleast for an hour, he comes to her and they play together, sometimes, he helps her with her studies, and then they sit down and talk. Sometimes near the verandah, sometimes near their pond.

Atleast, she has started to get a peaceful sleep after some light moments with him.

She had told about him to her Pati Babu as well, but he ignored. Perhaps, seems like he was least interested about it.

One day, Pratham informed that he won't be able to make it to the mansion for few days, instead he suggested that she can come to his place. He gave her the address and the place was situated near her school. And the time allotted by him to meet was just an hour before her school.

She wanted to talk to him. He is the one who has started giving her suggestions for her problems.

Although those suggestions, those guidance weren't much satisfactory than the one her Birristra Babu could give, but right now she has nothing, her Birristra Babu has lost somewhere and the Pati Babu in him has overpowered. Thus something is better than nothing.

Her Pati Babu has gotten her so much into this wifely duties, she is unable to focus on her studies by thinking about burden in her heart and mind, even in his absence.

Since she started sharing her problems to Pratham, he suggests her some solutions to it, even if he couldn't, she felt the burden reduced from herself just by talking to him.

Amidst this, if she is getting even a bit of liberty from Patni Dharam, she will go. So that she can focus on her studies more.

She must be sounding selfish right now but she need the burden to be taken off. Therefore, she will go to his place.

Perhaps, she can directly go to school from there.

But, what about her Pati Babu? Will he...

When she woke up, she didn't find him beside her, this elated her. She quickly got ready in her school uniform and started arranging her books in her bag.

While doing that, two letters fell down from her bag. She ignored them and kept it on the table where already three other letters were kept with its envelope having her name on it.

Unread. Unopened. Untouched.

Jaane kaise,
Toote rishton se bikhre hain ye pal

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