Lisa's Lust

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Fear. Dread. Anxiety. As I heard slow heavy footsteps of my kidnapper Lisa the Brave approach the bed, I clutched onto the pillows tight pressing myself into the bed hoping the pressure itself would snap me to sleep. But then I heard her speak.

"I know what you're trying to do (Y/n) but unfortunately there is no escaping from me."

She placed her hand on my back ever so gently. She then leaned close to me and whispered.

"Sit up straight right now or... I will break you."

I am scared. I don't want to be here. Why!? Did it have to be me!? Thoughts of a similar breed polluted my mind with fear as I slowly pulled my body up. I could feel my nerves tremble and my breathing shake as I kept my back to her as her hand was resting on it.

"Do you have a problem with looking at your wife dearie?"


I said meekly, knowing that one wrong move and that gently placed hand on my back could easily crush my spine. My eyes glided across the room as I turned my head to face my wife.

A crooked impatient smile on the face of the hardened warrior was awaiting me as she whispered.

"I love that expression of yours so much. It's always a treat to see fear on the faces of your enemies. But to see the same genuine fear, on the face of someone you love, is an unparalleled pleasure I can not describe."

She put her knee on the bed, climbing and coming closer to me. As her hand traced it's way from my back to my shoulder and neck, I could see the visible instincts of hers to hurt me. I was frozen stone, I didn't dare breathe or move my eyes.

"But despite the pleasure I feel from seeing the fear in your eyes. I do not wish for you to be afraid of me."

She suddenly jolted and grabbed the back of my neck as her face contorted in pure fury and rage. Shaking me as she demanded.

"Why THE FUCK! Do you not love me (Y/n)? Why do you punish me like this? First you said you didn't wanna marry me, then you flirted with that fat hag Dorthy or whatever her name is, And then you don't even walk with me patiently to bed. Do you know how fucking frustrating that is!?"

"I-I am s-sorry, I am sorry!"

Lisa paused. The fury in her eyes waned as she looked surprised to see me beg. The same crooked smile appeared on her face as she suddenly started maniacally laughing.


This kept going as she started shaking me violently, her grip on my neck not loosening.

As a few moments that felt like an eternity passed by, her laughter got slower and more quiet.

"Ha.. heh... You're sorry... It's okay darling. I forgive you! We can start over! But this time with new rules!"

Her voice cracked multiple times as she tried to keep her tone nice and light. As signs of little twitches and turns appeared on her face clearly showing that she doesn't forgive me. She grabbed the back of my neck with both hands and held me still. The back of my neck was starting to hurt as she spoke in a low voice.

"Everytime you hesitate, you look away or make me feel like you don't love me. I will hurt you. Just a little bit more."

She starts leaning forward as she pulls me closer to her lips as she says.

"Now kiss your wife."


Our lips locked, and her tongue made its way into my mouth. She pushed me down onto the bed, with a deep restless moan.

I tried to pull myself away in order to breathe, but that was forsaken by her overwhelming desire. Her body pushes as rubs against me, as I was already starting to sweat and struggle against her in a losing battle.

She pulls away. And I inhale desperately trying to get air back into me. She smiles as sits up on top of me and traces her finger across my chest and says.

"That was amazing..."

She then smashes her fist against my ribs.

Pain unlike any I've felt before courses through me. I let out a squeal and immediately curl into my chest. As I twitch and breathe to regain composure after being hit in the ribs by a warrior knight, I look up at Lisa and notice her smiling and giggling.

"hehehe... But this time don't try to push me away. Okay?"

"I-I just wanted to breathe..."

she cups my cheeks and brings her face slowly closer to mine. Fear paralysing me yet again.

"If the choice is ever between breathing and loving me... I expect you to know what the correct choice is."

She leans close to my ear to the point I could hear the excitement in her breathing.

"Even if you don't, I could always hurt you more. I would love to see you in pain more often, dear husband."

She starts rubbing her hands against my chest as yellow particles appear dissolving into my body and fading the pain away.

"I don't have to be afraid of breaking you either. I can always revive you, always heal you. And I will keep doing it until you learn to love me."

As the night went on the bed sheets started staining with my blood. To my surprise she didn't have sex with me, or maybe she didn't need to, she got all the pleasure she could get just from hurting me and then healing me, hurting me and then healing me, over and over and over again.

Although something strange did happen during the night. As I was about to pass out for the last time during the night, I could hear her sobbing... crying.

"I am sorry...(Y/n) I am really sorry."

She looked like she was about to have a breakdown as she was healing me. I passed out anyway, either from the pain or just... exhaustion. The world went black as my eyes rolled back.


I slowly woke up again, morning light shining bright through the windows of the room. Everything in this room was shining brightly. It all felt unfamiliar but then I remembered...

"Oh...I am married."

As memories from the last night came flooding back, I jolted up and felt dizzy. I got up from my... our bed and looked around. I saw that the blood stains from last night were still there along with.. more blood stains? Did she hurt me even while I was passed out?

Lisa was apparently not around right now. I looked at the table near the window and I saw a meal and note.

I walked up to it, opened the note and saw that it was written in blood.

"I am sorry (Y/n) please forgive me."

I wonder if that is what the blood stains come from. Despite the situation I felt a lot more calm for some strange reason, almost as if there was a spell in the air around making it that way.

Wait a minute... Calming spells aren't supposed to make you this sleepy are they? I fell on my knees as the buckled due to the sheer amount of relaxation. No... please...

The windows exploded open as people in hooded figures came in and grabbed me.

"Are you sure he is the guy?!"

"Yes! The client specifically asked for him."

"Why would they have a beef with him? He's so skinny and weak."

"Don't think! Just grab him and lets go."

One of the guys put me on top of his shoulder as he snapped his finger in front of me and the world went black.

To be Continue

Author: sorry if this feels shorter (compared to the wait) but I'll probably make more of this considering you guys really seem to like this one more than the others so stay tuned! the chapters will be coming sooner!

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