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Thursday, June 6th, 7.30 am

Hyunjin was cold. Tired and scared too, but mostly cold. I mean, of course, he was cold, it was so early in the morning that not even the sun was up yet. Still, he and his girlfriend were up. If anything, Hyunjin blamed himself for that. Hiking in the woods so early had partially been his idea.

Yet, if he told his girlfriend, Ayla, she would probably respond with something like 'Stop being so dramatic.' or 'It's not cold, you're just not dressed properly.' or even 'It's our thing to go hiking every Thursday morning so shut the fuck up and keep walking.'. Not fond of any of those options, Hyunjin stayed silent.

Five minutes later, however, he couldn't take it anymore. "Babe, I'm cold." He whined.

Surprisingly Ayla said none of the aforementioned things and it was quite unexpected. Instead, she took his hand in hers, held it, and smiled slightly.

'My girlfriend is so sweet.' Hyunjin thought, smiling as well. That was before Ayla pinched his hand, still smiling, making Hyunjin let out a yelp. At least, he now had something else to be dramatic about and momentarily forgot about the cold.

It had been five minutes or so (although if you asked Hyunjin he would have dramatically said that nearly an hour passed) when Ayla, who had probably seen something in distance, let go of his hand and ran to take a closer look.

"Oh, dear." Was all she said in that heavy Australian accent of hers.

Hyunjin ran as well to catch up. When he was finally able to see what his girlfriend was looking at, he gasped. His eyes went wide looking at the body of the most likely dead girl in front of him.

At that very moment, the crows sitting on nearby trees flew for their lives, and it was no other that the guy's terrified scream that had driven them away.


A reminder just in case the names in this story seem weird to you. This is technically a kpop fanfiction. It can be read as a normal mystery story but there names are going to be korean.

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