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I get up and walk into the living room, where my two brothers were glaring at father as he walked into the room. I smile, trying to keep the peace. "Hey, father, how was your quirk?" I ask.

"Shitty. That All Might defeated the villains before I could even help." He says, grumpily as he smashes his fist on to the table. "He deserves to be the number one hero, not you." Shoto says.

I brace myself as I watch father's eyes turn into a glare, targeted towards Shoto. Natsuo opens his mouth to join in the conversation against dad.

"Maybe if you were a better dad, we'd appreciate you more." He says, crossing his arms, Shoto nods in agreement. "Let's have dinner!" I blurt out, trying to keep the peace and avoid fights.

Father was hungry and the boys were starving so they agreed. I sigh a sigh of relief as I walk into the kitchen to pour some miso soup into 4 bowls.

I got out and served the bowls on a tray to the guys. I sat down and waited for them to start eating before I grabbed a bowl and started eating it, myself.

The appetising flavour filled my mouth. We managed to finish the bowls in a few seconds, everyone being hungry.

I get up and grab the bowls from everyone to take into the kitchen.

I put each bowl in the sink and turn the tap on, waiting for the water to fill the dishes before I wash them with a sponge.

It doesn't take a matter of time before I hear some shouts and leave the dishes midway. I walk into the living room, not wanting to do this now.

I saw Natsuo shouting at father who looks exhausted and not in the mood. "Natsu. Let it slide." I say to him as Shoto stands smiling, interested that father was getting told off by Natsuo.

"Guys, how about we go to bed now? It's getting late." I say, changing the subject. Shoto walks to his bedroom, yawning. Natsuo glares at father before walking to his room with his hands combing his hair.

Father pauses before heading the opposite direction to his room. I stand alone in the living room. My legs start to buckle but I manage to stand straight.

I sigh and walk back to the kitchen, continuing to wash the dishes then put them on the shelves. After that, I walk to the laundry room and take the clean clothes out of the washing machine before putting the dirty ones inside.

I walk out of the laundry room with the clean clothes, I grab a basket and put it down in the living room. I fold the clothes, one by one and place them in the basket.

I get a vacuum and try to make less noise as I hoovered the living room.

After I had finished doing all I went to bed, changing into some pyjamas before laying down in the soft surroundings of my bed.

Not even 4 hours later, I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I smash it off and get up. A throbbing pain fills my head as I end up falling flat on my face, feeling like an idiot, I stand up.

How I really feel. - A book about Fuyumi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now