Siblings that don't recognise eachother

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I sigh as I do my same daily routine, put Touya nii's worn down coat on and leave the silent house swiftly in my warm and fluffy snow boots. It wasn't at all snowing but it was very cold, so cold that you could see your own breath.

Touya nii's coat was practically mine now since no one else touched it, I have my own coat, of course but somehow, wearing my brother's coat made me feel like he was still here. I'm not sure why but I still have a warm feeling that he is here, that he never it because I still haven't gotten over his death yet?

Or is it because I am mad at him for dying...that seems stupid but HE is the oldest, not me, he should be here to at least help me. Take some of this horrible, heavy and life changing pressure off of my small shoulders.

I walk down the empty streets. I sigh deeply and thoughtfully. I reach into Touya nii's coat's pocket and grab my AirPods. They were a gift from one of my friends. A blackmail gift.

I shake my head to block out the memories and put the AirPods in, covering my middle length hair with the hood of the coat and try to concentrate on the music playing.

And at the most UNPRACTICAL time, the meme, VERY GOOD VERY NICE, fills my ears. I splutter into silent laughter. What a weird timing.

I randomly realise that I'm not on my playlist and sigh as I change it to the Spotify App and play my playlist. The nights by Avicii fill my ears, satisfying my expectations and my ears. I really love Avicii so I was really very disheartened when he died.

I pause infront of an Alleyway which had the contents of a tall, slender, black-haired man, messing with a tiny child. I take action immediately and stomp my foot, causing my quirk to freeze them. I grab the child and gently guide it out of the alleyway and to its worried mother while it was still frozen. I stomp my foot again and unfreeze them.

I sigh as I walk back to the alleyway to see the man, leaning against the wall with a cigarette against his lips, he had a pretty oversized hoodie on and the hood was covering his head but the front of his black and smooth hair still showed.

He frowned mockingly at me as he took out his cigarette. "It isn't very nice to interrupt someone's conversation, is it, princess?" He asks me, wryly. I roll my eyes. "That wasn't a conversation, Sir. I'm not stupid." I mutter and look down, hesitantly.

For some reason, I felt some weird warmth when I looked at the creepy guy again. Some warmth that made him feel familiar to me. I think I know him but I've never saw him before, have I?

He looks at me, up and down as if the same thoughts were flooding his head. I sigh. "You know, I should be calling the police on you." I say, taking my phone from my pocket but he grabs my arm, firmly.

For a slender guy, he's strong. I snatch my arm away from his grasp. "You wouldn't do that if you want to live, princess." He says, trying to look threatening as I rolls my eyes again.

This guy looked like the 2018 version of a bad boy. I sigh for the 5000th time today but suddenly my jaw drops in realisation. "You're Da-" I say but was cut off when he put his hand over my mouth.

"Don't. They'll hear." He says, menacingly as he looked over his shoulder at random people on the cold streets. "You're that villain." I say a bit quieter but still in shock as I take his slender, strong and warm hand off of my face. "Where's your league?" I ask, looking around him, exaggerating.

"We break up for every Christmas." He says, a bit quietly. "Tch. You really don't care that there is a villain in front of you?" He asks. I think. "I would probably have cared before but something about you makes me less scared. Not sure what." I say, thoughtfully.

How I really feel. - A book about Fuyumi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now