Malfoy's Shock

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On screen. An owl flew into Malfoy Manor before perching itself next to Lady Malfoy who swiftly took the letter it carried.

The owl hooted and took off obviously not wanting a reply.

"Why would I be receiving mail from Gringotts?" Narcissa spoke to her husband

"It could be to do with the Blacks, Read it and find out my love." Lucius responds finishing off his breakfast.

Dear Lady Malfoy.

We at Gringotts request your appearance at your earliest convenience.
It is regarding your god daughter.


"I was unaware I had a Goddaughter?" Narcissa spoke shocked

"Which would imply the knowledge was Obliviated, the Goblins do not make mistakes if they say you have one, then indeed you do. Maybe we should all go and get tested just incase." Lucius replied equally as shocked


"Yes mother?"

"Put some shoes on we're going to Gringotts."

"Of course mother" Draco responded before rushing off to get ready.

Half an hour later the Malfoy family apperated to Diagon Alley.

Striding towards the bank, the family encountered Severus, Filius and Minerva approaching the bank also.

"Ahh Severus, have you been called by the bank aswell?" Lucius asked.

"Lucius, not as such we overheard the old goat getting a howler and after some of the information revealed in it, Filius suggested we should get tested." Severus replied

Arriving at the counter Filius spoke in Gobbledegook.

"Greetings, may your gold forever flow, may we please meet with Ironclaw."

"May your enemies blood drip from your blade, his client just left to the healers so he should be available, follow me."

"That client wouldn't happen to be Sakura Potter would it?"

After receiving a harsh glare, Filius explained himself.

"Three of us overheard Ironclaws howler to Albus Dumbledore, we were worried."

Knocking on the office door and receiving permission to enter.

Ironclaw looked up from his desk

"Ah Professor McGonagall and Snape you've saved me a job"

"Brother Filius I'm pleased to see you back in our bank."

"Lady Malfoy and family thank you for your quick response to my letter."

"Yes we thought it prudent to be tested ourselves as I do not recall having a Goddaughter."

"Then it is worse than I feared, I'm going to need Everyone in the room to make a vow."

After some trepidation they all made the vow.

"This is a copy of your Goddaughters inheritance test, Lady Malfoy"

A peice of parchment was placed on the desk and they all took turns reading it Narcissa and Minerva gasped in shock. Severus thought he would have a heart attack. Lucius and Filius were angry this was done to a child.

A rumbling suddenly began before the shaking intensified and a scream rent the air, before everything stopped.

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