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Severus and the Dark Lord were sitting close to where Sirius Black would be placed once he was escorted into the Wizenagamot. Lucius was arranging his files on the table reflecting his status as the defender of record for Sirius Black. Madam Bones had already reviewed the information she had received from Gringotts the night before. Reporters were sitting in the front row, eager for any information. There wasn't an empty seat in the viewing section. The doors opened and Black and Dumbledore were escorted in. Black was escorted to the stiff wooden chair used for defendants and Dumbledore was forced to sit in an identical chair next to Black. Madam Bones rose. "First, I would like to extend our sincere apologies to Mr. Black for his unlawful imprisonment. Second, the Ministry will be paying you for the past twelve years Aurors salary as well as an additional ten thousand galleons per year. You will be permitted to instate as Auror once you have passed the physical and mental health aspect if you so desire." Aurors took the cue and escorted Peter Pettigrew into the courtroom. "As you can see, Peter Pettigrew is alive." Wizenagamot buzzed with the news that Pettigrew was alive. Once everyone was settled, Madam Bones looked at Dumbledore. "We will be starting with the acclaimed wizarding historian Bathilda Bagshot. She is a resident of Godric's Hollow, Gellert Grindlewald's great aunt, as well as being mentioned in a letter to Sirius Black from Lily regarding her statement that Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindlewald knew each other. Also, we will be covering a lot of memories."

"I must object. There is nothing to show I know Grindlewald beyond our duel. Everyone is aware of who is he and what he did." Dumbledore smiled at everyone. "This has gone on long enough. Taking the word of a man who has been Azkaban for over a decade, it clearly has affected his mind."

Sirius started laughing. "You would love for everyone to believe you but the truth is always be revealed. Think of me as your Veritaserum."

Madam Bones smiled. "Excellent, I am sure the memories from your brother, sister, Molly Weasley, and others will reflect just that. We also have Gringotts' representative present who will be sharing the sealed contents left behind by James Potter, Lily Potter, and Regulus Black as well as the wills regarding each individual. These items have been sealed since before the night of the 31st of October 1981 as well as several memory vials that will be viewed."

Severus didn't take his eyes off of Dumbledore as that information was announced. The man didn't look concerned until the last sentence. "I must object, I have no way of knowing what is in that evidence and no way to prepare a response to anything that might be perceived in the wrong way." Dumbledore was using his wise old man image as he smiled and ran his hands down his beard. "I can not defend actions that might be taken out of context."

Madam Bones smiled a shark-like smile that Severus had never seen on the woman's face before. "The memories have already been viewed with evidence to back up the claims and validity of the memories. Perhaps you have forgotten a law that you insisted would guarantee no one would be charged with false crimes regarding the usage of memories and evidence to make sure memories were not taken out of context, cut down, or even fragments to leave an impression. I believe it was your requirement that each memory had some aspect of an event before and after the memory as a requirement for submission on capital cases. This is a capital case and the memories have been certified by the DoM and Gringotts."

Lucius turned and faced Dumbledore for the first time. He had been facing the Wizenagamot gauging everyone's reactions. "The memories of Sirius Black have also been certified by the DoM and Gringotts, as well as providing backup evidence to support his claims."

"We will begin with Bathilda Bagshot." Madam Bones nodded and an Auror opened the door. Another Auror escorted Bathilda Bagshot into the chamber. He guided her to a softer-looking chair for her to sit down. "Thank you for coming, Ms. Bagshot."

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