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Sakura inwardly grinned. As they sat down, Sakura informed Draco of her idea not that she would not have anyway. They were in the middle of arranging how they were going to work on their potion essay which ingredients they would write about and in what order when Granger and Weasley made an appearance. Sakura looked at Draco, who was hiding his smirk. "Sakura, I see you are working on our potion assignment."

"Yes, we are working on our outline for the essay." Sakura answered. "Do you want to sit down?"

Granger beamed a smile, Weasley looked in pain, but they sat down. When they had shown up, Draco had pulled out his wand and under the table, aimed it at the two chairs. She cast the two spells by covering her speaking by whispering the spells. For the next hour, Draco and Sakura ignored whatever Granger and Weasley were saying as they continued with their outline. "Granger, you can't add diced frog's liver to the healing potion. It would cause it to turn into a burn potion. It's sliced frog's liver that was marinated in garlic and cod."

"No, it says in the book it's diced frog's liver." Granger replied.

The argument had been going on for over twenty minutes. Weasley was ignoring everything and was scribing out his essay. Sakura had been having a debate on how long it would be before Draco would mention Severus. "Granger, my godfather is a Potion Master, I learned from him. He was the youngest to ever get his Masters. I believe him over some outdated book."

"If it is in the book, it has to be correct."

"You know snakes are always trying to make us lions look bad, he is just doing it so that your essay fails." Weasley, not so quietly, whispered.

Draco look like he wanted to hit the prat, Sakura arched her brow. "Draco is right and it's not about making her fail. It's about teaching her to do it correctly. Professor Snape will remove points for inaccurate information in your essay." Sakura wished the Weasley twins were in her year. They were great.

"Once a snake, always a dirty, nasty, snake. You're dark and evil, wannabe Death Eaters. Your parents would be so ashamed of you." Weasley leaned closer as he said it.

"My parents?" Sakura wondered what did her parents have to do with it.

Draco knew where this was going and knew it wasn't going to be pretty. He glanced to Mrs. Pince, who heard what was said and was furious. "Your parents died to save you from the dark and this is how you repay them. You are in the evilest house, you are dark. They would be so ashamed to see a Daughter of theirs in such an evil house. Your parents fought against everything you stand for. Maybe you should have been killed, as you are useless with your scars and whining about how tough you have it." Weasley was yelling by the end of his rant.

Granger, Draco, and everyone in the library was shocked. Sakura blinked at him. "How interesting, I am wondering where you got your information from. I mean, as far as I know, you never knew my parents. I barely have spoken to you yet you know me?" She was furious. The windows were rattling, and the floor started shaking, causing books to fall off of the shelves.

"Yes, everyone does. Poor little rich girl, all scarred up. Saying her relatives abused her. Oh, are you going to start crying? Snakes don't cry, they just die." Weasley screamed.

Draco started backing away and was thankful when he saw Severus and Volmaro enter the library. Mrs. Pince followed them. Draco escaped the library. Severus got between Harry and Weasley. "Potter?"

Sakura's eyes were blazing. The chairs and tables around the room were now floating in the air. Granger pulled Weasley away. "RON! HOW COULD YOU?"

"Spell a calming draught into her." Volmaro quietly asked Severus.

Severus held up his hand, showing he had one ready to go. "I just want to make sure she realizes I am not a threat first." Severus and Volmaro could hear Irma telling the rest of the staff what happened. He had to get Sakura calmed before Dumbledore arrived. He knew Dumbledore had to have told his idiots. Sakura would figure it out when she saw Dumbledore. He pulled out his wand and spelled the potion into Sakura. He moved closer to her. "Sakura, breath in." He waited until Sakura natural breathed in. "Out." He ordered. He kept alternating until he saw her regain control. He ignored the crashes as things returned to the floor.

Poppy had her wand out and was already doing a scan. "She is fine. Her core is in great shape. She will be tired once the potion will wear off."

Dumbledore selected that moment to make himself known. "What happened?"

Sakura glared. "How could you? You told them. You had no right."

Severus knew the only reason Sakura had control was because of the potion. "I would like to know that answer too. You knew of our deal." Severus should have made Dumbledore promise not to tell anyone.

Dumbledore was a bit confused as he had just arrived and wasn't aware of what happened. "I am unsure of what you are asking about. I just arrived here a few seconds ago. I was only informed of a conflict between Ron and Sakura and that Sakura lost control of her magic."

"Let me fill you since I saw and heard everything." Mrs. Pince stepped forward. "I am also going to request Mr. Weasley be suspended. I am sure once the truth is revealed, I won't be the only one asking." She told everyone within hearing distance what happened. Every time Dumbledore tried to stop her, she just ignored him.

"Mr. Weasley!" McGonagall was surprised to learn what the boy did.

"I will provide the memory if needed." Mrs. Pince finished.

"I would love to see it." Lucius looked just as imposing as Severus. He was wearing a deep purple almost blackish robe. His cane looked like it belonged in the library. Draco was standing next to his father.

"I believe we should move this up to my office." Dumbledore stated.

Severus and Volmaro exchanged a quick look. They knew that Dumbledore won't be able to hide this or protect one of his lions.


The great hall was silent until an angry Lily began to yell at the tied up Ronald.

"You disgusting peice of slime, I am proud of my Daughter, I don't care if she's light or dark, I don't care with her being in Slytherin. As long as she treats others with dignity and respect. I love my Daughter and that will never change, as for you, your pathetic trying to cash in on my little girls fame and money, you are Greedy, Narcissistic, Lazy and that is all you will ever be."

Sakura looked at her mother and handed Ivy to Alucard. Walking towards Lily, Sakura enveloped her in a big hug.

"I love you too mama."

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