Not my day

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Camilo pov

"Morning Camilo!" Y/n's mom, Alex, said.

"Good morning!" I responded.

"Want breakfast?" She asked from the counter, "I'm having cereal."

"Yes, thank you!" I replied happily. Breakfast is definitely one of the top 4 best meals of the day.

After she prepared the cereal, we ate and talked about random stuff.

"So, that is why I now just tell people my name is Alex, and not Alexa." She said as I laughed.

"I know! I don't think Laura-you know my mother in law- actually knows that's my name."

"I don't think so either, she always calls you Alex."

"Good, oh," she suddenly said lowering her voice, "while Y/n and Mirabel are asleep, Laura was telling me how Alma wanted to get Y/n and Mirabel together."

I nodded, feeling my heart drop.

"So, we, well you know the adults, decided that we'll play a hand in bringing them together, after all Mirabel already likes him. And we were wondering if you could help, because you're closest to them. So, mind helping?"

I felt as if all the laughing we shared moments ago had been undone in those few sentences.

"Sure! I do love meddling in people's business anyway." I responded, forcing a smile on my face because I should be happy. I'll be helping Mira get the guy she wants which means that I get to meddle in her business, which I like. So why does it sound so horrible? It's not like I suddenly grew some more morals or something.

"Thank you so much Camilo! Well, I need to get ready for work now, see you." She said winking as she got up to go to her room.

"Bye!" I said as I made my way to wash my bowl that I had finished about half an hour ago.

Why is it so hard to be happy about Mira's crush? It's not like Y/n actually likes her back. Oh, maybe that's it? Y/n doesn't like her like she likes him, so I just know she'll fail. I feel bad for her, that's probably it. I thought feeling somewhat satisfied.

I decided to sit on the couch and watch Sk8 the infinity while I waited for the others to wake up.

I was able to get through the rest of the episodes when Mirabel came into the room.

"Hey Camilo."

"Hey Mira."

"I wonder what we'll be doing?" She asked and I shrugged.

"So, Y/n..." I said to watch her face turn red. Man has she fallen deep.

"What about him?" She asked looking away.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see your reaction." I replied, picking up one of
Y/n's mangas to read that he recommended. It was called Dr.Stone and seemed nice. He said he forgot some of his mangas here so he'll bring them back to Encanto when we return. He said after I finish Dr.Stone I should read BSD. It sounded cool.

"Alright Camilo, help me!" Mirabel suddenly said after a few minutes of silence.

"Already am. Your future mother in law asked me to help you get with Y/n as everyone else is already in on it. Even Abuela. Probably Isa and Dolores as well."

"Really? Is it that obvious?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Yup. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew. I'd be more surprised if he didn't."

"Then does that mean he doesn't like me if he knows about my crush?"

Yes. 100%. You should just give it up.

Him & I (Male reader x Camilo Madrigal) Where stories live. Discover now