Last Day pt 2

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Y/n pov

"Everyone ready?" I asked looking at Camilo and Mirabel who had just gotten into the car.

"Just a sec." Camilo responded struggling with his seat belt yet again. I sat there for a minute before finally hearing the click of the belt.

"I'm good now!" He said, giving me a thumbs up.

"Alright," I said as I started driving. "You guys will love the place. We'll play bowling then these little games you can play to rack up points to earn prizes."

"That sounds nice. Is bowling fun?" Mirabel asked.

"Fun but hard. I'll explain more once we start. You'll love it, don't worry"

"Are you sure we'll know how to play? I mean you're going to be explaining it after all." Camilo said, smirking at me.

"Camilo!" Mirabel said, angry at his words.

"Look hun, I love you, but tone the bitchness down please."

"Gasp! You said a no no word!" Camilo said, faking surprise.

"Please, you've heard me curse before. Anyway, no making fun of my amazing explaining skill."

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." Camilo laughed.

I glanced at him quickly before returning my eyes back to the road. He really is breath taking. Especially when he's happy. I'm glad today got his smile back.

"I don't know, you hurt me quite a lot. Don't know if I can ever forgive you." I told him, pretending like I was actually hurt.

"Pfft, there's nothing I could do that you wouldn't forgive me for." He laughed.

"I hate that you're right." I sighed, giving up.

We sat in silence while I flipped through the radio, which had now turned all into ads.

"Hey...Y/n?" Mirabel said hesitantly after a moment of silence.


"Hopefully this isn't weird to ask, but do you like anyone?"

I felt myself tense up at Mira's question. She really wasn't going to make a move right now, right?

"Um," I tried to say something, but found myself at a loss for words. How would I respond to this? Camilo is right next to me. I could feel him looking at me. "Why do you ask?" I eventually asked, trying to avoid answering.

"Oh! No reason! Just, you know, wondering." She responded, her voice betraying her real intentions.

"Well, I..." I looked over at Camilo, words I had said long ago coming back to me now. Except this time I'd mean them. "I'm actually hopelessly in love with Camilo. I can't imagine being seperated from him anymore."

Camilo's eyes widen after hearing my response. I wonder if he understood that this time, I was being fully serious. We all went silent, the sound of some ad on the radio being all I could hear, until laughing from the back seat disrupted it.

"Hey, what's funny?" I asked Mirabel.

"Sorry, sorry, it's just...for a second there I thought you were actually being serious. But, it's just you two being you two."

"Really Mirabel, you have to stop ruining me and Y/n's moments like this. We're trying to have a heartfelt moment here." Camilo snaped.

"Come on Camilo. He was obviously joking."

"Yeah, duh. Of course he wouldn't mean it." I felt my heart drop at his words. I had hoped that even if he didn't know I had truly meant it, he would at least get a hint. But this seemed to have back fired. I looked over at him, and he seemed...hurt.

Him & I (Male reader x Camilo Madrigal) Where stories live. Discover now