【Chapter 23】

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Author's POV~•••

Y/N looked at the wristwatch in her hand, waiting for the bell to ring, just five minutes were remaining for the period to end but it felt like hours. She was hungry. Very hungry.

She, again and again, kept looking at the watch, ignoring the boring lecture. 'What the hell? Still, four minutes remaining?'

She groaned annoyed, sighing tiredly. She was so tired, she missed her brother's tasty food, other brother's gentle or strict scoldings, their comfort, their care, their warmth, their little bickerings, their—

Her thoughts were cut off by the bell ringing, and she immediately jumped up from her seat, picking her bag and ran out, towards the cafeteria.

"Jungkook!" She yelled, seeing the male. Jungkook turned around smiling at her.

"Hey, y/n!" Jungkook said cheerfully and they both kept walking to the cafeteria. They went to their regular table, seeing Jimin and Taehyung already there.

Y/N gulped nervously, for the first time, being a little nervous after seeing Jimin. 'He knows I'm an agent, I don't know how, I don't even know what to do.'

She gulped, walking to Taehyung, sitting on his other side, while Jungkook sat in front of Jimin. Other places are empty.

"Here," Taehyung said, passing the food to Jungkook and Y/N which they bought from the counter.

They all ate while talking about random things, y/n, time to time peeking glances at Jimin when she thought he wasn't looking. She honestly wanted to know how he knows about it when she did a great job hiding it.

Jimin, noticing the small glances, turned his head to left, giving a small smirk to her, making her immediately look away, a little annoyed and maybe, a little flustered too.

Taehyung and Jungkook noticed that and grinned looking at each other but didn't say anything.

Time Skip~•••

All the six agents were gathered at the cafe, where Jimin asked them to meet for the very first time, waiting for Jimin or their Senior to come while talking about random things.

Soon enough, Jimin came, walking towards the table they were sitting on. They all stood up, bowing to him. The oldest nodded his head, motioning them to sit.

"You called us, Sir?" Soobin asked, breaking the silence.

"Hm, just wanted to let you all know something." Jimin started. "Go to your home today, meet your family, it's been a while, and I miss my Hyung too, so leave, but be back tomorrow morning, before 10:00. Because then again, you maybe won't be meeting them again for another month."

"Okay, Sir!" They all almost squealed, but still, their voice was a little professional.

"I'll leave, be safe and keep your family safe as well. Now you're all better with physical things, still needs a lot of improvement but yeah." Jimin said, standing up again, making them stand up, bowing to him once again as he left.

"Finally!" Beomgyu smiled happily, making others smile as well, "Yes, finally!"

"Okay guys, I'll just go! Bye, see you all tomorrow!" Yeonjun said, standing up.

"I'm coming too," Taehyun said, getting up.

"Wait, who will pay for the food?" Y/N asked, looking at all of them.

"You, bye!" Beomgyu said, getting up, and walking, more like running out. While Yeonjun and Taehyun followed him.

"Well, I should get going as well," Soobin said, standing up. "Bye!"

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